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Tall grass spam on fertile soil #28

Closed wizard1399 closed 5 years ago

wizard1399 commented 5 years ago

Fertile soil spams tall grass when it is placed on it. Steps to reproduce: Place fertile soil. Grab grass from decoration tab. Place decorative grass on fertile soil.

Grass grows to talk grass version. After growing to the tall version, it will start spamming an item called minecraft:double_plant

After further testing this happens with all 2high plants from the decoration tab.

wolforcept commented 5 years ago

Yes, i know, but thanks. I even used this to my advantage, cause i dont know how to fix it

wizard1399 commented 5 years ago

How did you use it? I must have missed that part in the book.

wizard1399 commented 5 years ago

Do you check the block above the soil before a growth tick is applied? The list of 2 tall plants has only 7 items. Any chance that blacklisting these items as part of an if statement would work?

wolforcept commented 5 years ago

Huh, maybe ill do that

wolforcept commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the idea. Its not spamming now :)