wolforcept / hearthwell

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Recipes not using oredict inputs #32

Open Lykrast opened 4 years ago

Lykrast commented 4 years ago

The recipe for Heavy Mix Lump only works with vanilla logs and the mysterious ones because of how all of them are listed in the recipe.

The correct way is simply to use an oredict input to make it accept any logWood ({ "type": "forge:ore_dict", "ore": "logWood" }). This way it works with any modded log.

Other recipes have this issue too, like Gaseous Sand being crafted with Sand or Red Sand instead of the sand oredict which includes both + modded sands.

wolforcept commented 4 years ago

I'll leave this up, because this is a work in progress, but some recipes are being or have already been changed in this direction.