Rationale: C code is complex, and hard to extend or maintain.
A somewhat spirited attempt to do this was made in func.php - see bbcode_format() function. Unfortunately, this code fails on larger messages due to poorly written regular expressions that deal with images and URLs.
Use this text to test the parser (courtesy of user nester):
Rationale: C code is complex, and hard to extend or maintain.
A somewhat spirited attempt to do this was made in func.php - see bbcode_format() function. Unfortunately, this code fails on larger messages due to poorly written regular expressions that deal with images and URLs.
Use this text to test the parser (courtesy of user nester):
[img=https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1512807_1121676571191781_5947557411248636530_n.jpg?oh=e94c3ed015ab849f124123e3e6181132&oe=55CE1195] "Borislav Bereza: А пеньюар и стринги со стразиками у этого байкера лежали под косметикой? "
[img=https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11060012_1060869080593259_194878016738303321_n.jpg?oh=358a16ac93fa713127c31eaf16a2b717&oe=5597F156 ]
[img=https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/11110277_477377232419405_6774940781334030724_n.jpg?oh=e3cdbdf9de90539a3c1f4b8077d9635d&oe=55D39AA4] "Ночные волки" возвращаются в Москву после тщательного досмотра на границе ))