wolfpld / tracy

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What are the best practice to include Tracy in your program ? #680

Open grandemk opened 7 months ago

grandemk commented 7 months ago

2023-12-11 00_52_31-Out_parallel_build_details tracy (parallel_build_details tracy) - Tracy Profiler

I've been using tracy to monitor the compilation time of my c++ projects (Thank you for this amazing profiler, I use it for everything now :))

Tracy.hpp takes ~360ms to compile in each file I include it in and I was wondering if there was a way to reduce this cost ?

2023-12-11 01_08_14-Out_parallel_build_details tracy (parallel_build_details tracy) - Tracy Profiler (screenshots from a toy example)

idbrii commented 4 months ago

Have you tried using the precompiled headers feature of your compiler?