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Frame profiler
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Visual Studio linking issue: cannot find "___tracy_RtlWalkFrameChain" symbol on Windows x64 #738

Closed ditroiaj closed 3 months ago

ditroiaj commented 4 months ago

Hi everyone,

I am currently facing a linking issue with Tracy (tag v0.10, I think the latest at the time of writing) compiled with Visual Studio 2019 (v142) using the VS solution located in library/win32/TracyProfiler.sln. I have a solution, also using Visual Studio 2019 (v142), with multi-DLL project profiling. When compiling my project, I get the following error message: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ___tracy_RtlWalkFrameChain. This error appears when I use any call stack-related macro, e.g.: ZoneScopedS(3) in one of my projects. But if I simply use a non-callstack-related Tracy macro, I do not get any issues and the profiling works perfectly.

I first investigated if the symbol is correctly exported in the DLL using the dumpbin /EXPORTS /SYMBOLS TracyProfiler.dll and dumpbin /EXPORTS /SYMBOLS TracyProfiler.lib commands. The symbol was found in both cases. Output of command dumpbin /exports TracyProfiler.lib:

... 25 18 0001C8D8 _tracyRtlWalkFrameChain = tracy_RtlWalkFrameChain ...

Output of command dumpbin /exports TracyProfiler.dll:

... ___tracy_RtlWalkFrameChain ...

I also checked several Visual Studio compiler options together:

  1. I checked that both the Configuration (Release) and platform (x64) options were set correctly.
  2. I disabled the Link-Time Code Generation /GL flag, as it is disabled in my projects. Related to that, I explicitly disabled the "Whole Program Optimization" in the project's Property Page > Configuration Properties > Advanced > Whole Program Optimization" and in Property Page > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Optimization > Whole Program Optimization.
  3. The Runtime Library option is set to /Multi-threaded DLL (/MD) in my projects and TracyProfiler.
  4. The Calling Convention option is set to __cdecl (/Gd) in my projects and TracyProfiler.

Here are other possible root causes that I checked:

  1. Name mangling: The usage of extern "C" is not necessary as it is used everywhere in the Tracy library.
  2. Preprocessor definitions: I added TRACY_CALLSTACK even if it is unnecessary as the required symbol is already exported.

Has anyone ideas for further investigations? Thanks.


janipi commented 3 months ago

You probably just forgot TRACY_IMPORTS define in your code that imports the dll.

ditroiaj commented 3 months ago

Thanks, this was the problem. Marked as closed.