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API to emit zone with static name string #770

Open eclazi opened 2 months ago

eclazi commented 2 months ago

I'm working on integrating Tracy into an existing codebase that has its own equivalent of ___tracy_source_location_data, but without line and file (really just a static string literal) that marks zones. Would it make sense to add a version of ___tracy_emit_zone_begin that takes only a single const char* ptr?

I have successfully integrated with ___tracy_alloc_srcloc_name but would like to avoid the allocation and memcpy this adds.

wolfpld commented 2 months ago

I don't think there is anything that would require you to provide a valid file/line data in ___tracy_source_location_data. Just set these to an empty string and zero.

eclazi commented 2 months ago

Its more that I need to create a ___tracy_source_location_data instance somewhere and manage the lifetime of that somehow (since the API takes a pointer to that). Basically I can't create static ___tracy_source_location_data anywhere