wolfswolke / aniworld_scraper

Aniworld.to mp4 scraper for animes.
MIT License
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Change log file organization and fix typo #49

Closed affeldt28 closed 1 month ago

affeldt28 commented 1 month ago

Previously, log files were saved directly within the 'src' directory. Log files are now saved inside the 'logs' folder. Which was already declared inside the gitignores.

I also fixed a typo inside the filename manual_episode_download.py I hope it wasn't desired to be called Manuel :D

HaDeSMonsta commented 1 month ago

repeat.sh checks for src/failures.txt, that should probably be changed too

affeldt28 commented 1 month ago

repeat.sh checks for src/failures.txt, that should probably be changed too

Sorry I missed that, it's fixed now. Thanks for the notice.

wolfswolke commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your work! And yes it was not. I'm German so i misspell some stuff XD