wollewald / MPU9250_WE

An Arduino library for the 9-axis accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer MPU9250 and MPU6500. It contains many example sketches make it easy to use.
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Mpu6500 support #4

Closed JohannesWilde closed 2 years ago

JohannesWilde commented 2 years ago

I tried to use a MPU-6500 and stumbled upon your great library. The only problems I saw were, that

Once I understood that this is due to the MPU-6500 having a different identification value [WHO_AM_I] and no magnetometer, I came up with this sketch. From a conceptual point of view I would have liked to design this the other way round, i.e. MPU5250 should have inherited from MPU6500 - but I did not want to redesign everything without having asked your views regarding this. Do you have some experience with the MPU-6500? Mine is not too deep and the proposed changes come from a quick comparison of the register map descriptions of both devices. They seem - apart from some small naming differences - to be identical.

wollewald commented 2 years ago

Hi @JohannesWilde, I don't have experience with the MPU6500. In fact I was not aware of it at all. A very short look into the data sheet also gave me the impression that it just the MPU9250 minus magnetometer and with different WHO_AM_I. I would not care who inherits from whom. The only thing I want to keep is full backwards compatibility. That means that people who already use my lib shall not experience any issue with an update. How do you want to proceed? I can test your code once I get the MPU6500.

JohannesWilde commented 2 years ago

Hi wollewald, thanks for the fast reply. What I would do: once I find the time - probably next weekend? - I would create a redesign. Then I would like to ask for your review. If you will receive an MPU6500 in the near future, I even would wait for you to actually test my changes. What do you think?

wollewald commented 2 years ago

Sounds like plan - thanks for investing the time!

JohannesWilde commented 2 years ago

Hi @wollewald , I managed to find some time this weekend and implemented my proposed changes. I tried to keep everything backwards-compatible, which is why:

I used your _MPU9250_blank_allsettings.ino script, somewhat adapted to my MPU6500, to test that I won't increase program space by too much. Turns out, for the MPU9250 on an Arduino Uno I got

So if you find the time to test and maybe even look at my changes, I would be glad about feedback. If there is anything I messed up, please let me know - I will try to fix it.


JohannesWilde commented 2 years ago

@wollewald I don't know whether the following is specific to my MPU6500 - but I wanted to ask anyway:

First I noticed the line accOffsetVal.z -= 16384.0;. I suppose this rotates the z-Axis?

When I played around with my MPU6500, I noticed the following:

Is this a misconception on my part? Did I do something wrong?

Does this problem only occur with the MPU6500 and not with the MPU9250?

Should I move this to a separate issue?

I would be glad about any feedback.

wollewald commented 2 years ago

Hi @JohannesWilde ,

first of all thanks for your hard work! I will try to test your changes latest next weekend. I don't have the MPU6500 yet, therefore I can only test if the MPU9250 still works.

accOffsetVal.z -= 16384.0; is part of the procedure to "calibrate" the MPU9250. You position your device flat in the x,y plane. The acceleration values of x and y should be zero in this position. 1 g should act on z. During the the calibration procedure I switch to the 2 g range. So 1g should result in a raw value of +16384 (= 2^15). The difference to that number is the offset. That means it does not change any axis or so.

Let me check when I receive my MPU6500 modules if I notice any differences.

Thanks again! Regards, Wolfgang

wollewald commented 2 years ago

Hi @JohannesWilde, I have just received the MPU6500 modules I have ordered. I have not yet tried your extention, I wanted first to check what happens with my original lib. I also see the Init procedure and the magnetometer does not work. So exactly what you experienced.

Then I had look into the question you raised regarding the axes and directions, but I am not sure I have fully understood the issue. What I can say is that my MPU6500 modules and the MPU9250 behave the same and the autoOffset function does not change anything with regards to directions.

When the module is positioned flat, the x-axis and y-axis are horizontal and z-axis is vertical (positive z-axis showing upwards). As expected acceleration values for the x- and y-axis are zero (more or less) and the z-axis is roughly 1g. If I turn the y-axis upwards, so that it's vertical I get 1g as expected and 0 for the z and x. Same behavior for the x-axis. So, everything is fine with the acceleration values, would you agree?

Now to the gyroscope values. Whenever I turn the module clockwise around an axis (looking into the positive direction) I get positive gyroscope values. For counter-clockwise movements they are negative. And this is independent from the autoOffset. So when the module is positioned flat (x and z horizontal, z showing upwards) and I turn the module clockwise looking from above (which means counter-clockwise when looking into the positive z-axis) the gyroscope delivers negative value.

Can you tell me again what is changing when you apply the autoOffset function?

As I said I have not tested your changes yet. Ihope I get this done next weekend.

wollewald commented 2 years ago

Hi @JohannesWilde , I tried your updated version with the MPU6500 and with the MPU9250 and it works well. Great Job!

It looks a bit strange for the users to use enums which contain "MPU9250" in their names for their MPU6500 module. It works, but it's not very nice. I have tried this and it works:

typedef enum MPU9250_ACC_RANGE {
    MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_2G = 0, MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_4G = 1, MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_8G = 2, MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_16G = 3, 
    MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_2G = 0, MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_4G = 1, MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_8G = 2, MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_16G = 3
} MPU9250_accRange;

At least from the user side it would look better. Internally it would then even look better like this:

typedef enum MPU9250_6500_ACC_RANGE {
    MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_2G = 0, MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_4G = 1, MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_8G = 2, MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_16G = 3, 
    MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_2G = 0, MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_4G = 1, MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_8G = 2, MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_16G = 3
} MPU9250_6500_accRange;

The latter would mean of course more changes to do. This is something I could do after the merge.

The pull request is still draft. I would be happy to merge it.

And have you had the chance to look into my last comments regarding the axes?

JohannesWilde commented 2 years ago

Hi @wollewald , nice to hear my changes work. Regarding the coordinates-orientation-issue:

Right now I don't think the autoOffsets() is responsible for this - it is rather my concept of vectors...

As you wrote earlier one goal should be to keep the code backwards compatible - which I totally agree to. That's what lead to those inconsistent names.

Regarding your first solution, all but the enum type name would then reflect the respective device. As a minor detail, I would prefer something like the following

typedef enum MPU9250_ACC_RANGE {
    MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_2G = 0, MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_4G = 1, MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_8G = 2, MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_16G = 3, 
    MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_2G = MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_2G,
    MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_4G = MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_4G,
    MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_8G = MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_8G,
    MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_16G = MPU9250_ACC_RANGE_16G
} MPU9250_accRange;

Your second proposal of MPU9250_6500_ACC_RANGE would be a non-backward-compatible change. Rather than this, I would leave out the MPU9250_ out of the name of the enum type [as well as the enum values] and instead put the enums inside the class declaration of the class MPU6500_WE. This would accordingly scope those enums. And the inheritance would allow the usage of those in the MPU9250_WE class as well. At the same time one would not have to write MPU9250_6500_ACC_RANGE in both the MPU6500_WE and the MPU9250_WE class methods.

If the last point did not become clear - please don't hesitate to ask again - then I could provide a small example.

And again: this is only my opinion.

If you want to change the enums before merging this request - fell free. Your first option should be fully backwards-compatible.

Other than that thank you for testing my code.

Have a nice weekend.

wollewald commented 2 years ago

Hi @JohannesWilde , great thanks for your contribution!. I merged first and take care for the enums later (in the next days).