wololodev / d2mt

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Team Profiles #17

Open Ke3rthi opened 9 years ago

Ke3rthi commented 9 years ago

Hello guys ;),

I was wondering how much work it would take to get the team profiles on the rankings json, like: -roster with player photos -team logo -top heros for the players was thinking that it would add a lil bit more flair to the existing rankings content. But im not sure if u guys have the time to do it ;) Also i have a lot more other suggestions and ideas in mind (trying to be realistic xD).

ps: label enhancement plox

MasterOdin commented 9 years ago

This would probably be something I'd add to the v2 of the APIs as that information definitely wouldn't be used by the extension and the current API sets up the json to be filled with html.

So labeled and assigned a milestone.

wololodev commented 9 years ago

at this point ud wanna create a fully fledged website that just aggregates dota 2 stuff -- there's only so much room to put in a extension..

MasterOdin commented 9 years ago

Well, it'd be a full fledged website, but I think I can parse quite a bit of this while I'm scrapping. The extension would then just use the information it can (ie, for rankings, top 5 heroes would be available, it's just that I wouldn't use it within the extension).

With the extension giving html to the JSON elements, the API is free to pull in more information as possible.

wololodev commented 9 years ago

id like to call the website "dota blink" if possible. with a slogan like: "blink to your favorite DotA2 coverage on the go"

site should also be fully responsive and snappy.. mb throw some ads here and there and possibly u can create a real VC-backed startup with this if u can gather a nice team of 2-3 with u