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Remove dota2vods tab (broken) and fix GG rankings link #5

Closed MasterOdin closed 10 years ago

MasterOdin commented 10 years ago

dota2vods.net has been down for some time (7 months?) and the tab doesn't get any data or anything and it kind of pointless to have as it's empty and the link is broken.

GosuGamers ranking link required a user to log into GG to see the rankings (maybe? GG registration broke for me), while just simply removing "/clan" from the links takes a user to the rankings list without having to login.

wololodev commented 10 years ago

hmm I haven't noticed that the vods are broken (since it's using dotacinema's VOD API). Lemme check with them first. (It used to be dota2vods but after I changed it to DC VOD but forgot to update the menu title)

MasterOdin commented 10 years ago

Yeah, looking at the API clears that up a bit, but it utilizes a page that returns a 404 error so the API would have to be changed first before the tab would work.

MasterOdin commented 10 years ago

closing and fixing the pull request