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jD Recent Results not shown #9

Closed MasterOdin closed 10 years ago

MasterOdin commented 10 years ago

No recent results currently shown in the extension for the JoinDota tab.

MasterOdin commented 10 years ago

So, this is probably more an issue that joinDota is pulling in a ton of matches into its match tracker. A solution would be adding a while loop around the second foreach loop that so long as we haven't found 10 recent matches, we go back through archives. This is achieved by just going to the URL http://www.joindota.com/en/matches/&c1=&c2=&c3=&archiv_page=#, though we should only need to go to page 2. This would give us some recent matches to report. Additionally though, seeing as there can be quite a few "recent results" just for today (there's ~20 for 3/11/2014), probably want to up the amount found to 20 or so instead of 10.