wolph / alfred-converter

Alfred unit converter is a smart calculator for Alfred with support for unit conversions to make it a bit comparable to the Google Calculator and Wolfram Alpha.
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Configurable / re-orderable units #10

Closed jm3 closed 7 years ago

jm3 commented 7 years ago

As a general purpose unit converter, it's hard to anticipate everyone's preferences, accounting for different locales and use cases. Personally, when I enter "km" as a base unit, the most likely target unit I'm converting to is miles (not microns or femtomets, whatever those are :). Yet I recognize that others might have wildly different preferences; femtomets could be critical for someone else.

So what if the units table lived in a user-editable JSON file? I could see 2 benefits from this:

  1. user-supported arbitrary units
  2. user-customized ordering of units

In general, I'm against over-configurability since it confuses users, but in this case I think it would be OK because users can just stick with the default units and ordering, while tinkerers can customize if they desire. What do others think?

wolph commented 7 years ago

While it's a bit obscure, you can actually decide the order for yourself. The order is decided by Alfred and it will auto learn from your previous choices. So if you select km to mile often, that will come out as the top result