wolph / numpy-stl

Simple library to make working with STL files (and 3D objects in general) fast and easy.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
624 stars 105 forks source link

Python 3.7: RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration #82

Closed hroncok closed 6 years ago

hroncok commented 6 years ago

See https://docs.python.org/3.7/whatsnew/3.7.html#changes-in-python-behavior and https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0479/

A generator now cannot raise StopIteration, it should return instead.

diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 275a844..f8a1057 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-envlist = {py27,py33,py34,py35,py36}-{windows-32,windows-64,nix}, docs, flake8
+envlist = {py27,py33,py34,py35,py36,py37}-{windows-32,windows-64,nix}, docs, flake8
 skip_missing_interpreters = True

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ basepython =
     py34-nix: python3.4
     py35-nix: python3.5
     py36-nix: python3.6
+    py37-nix: python3.7
     py27-windows-32: C:\\Python27\\python.exe
     py27-windows-64: C:\\Python27-x64\\python.exe
     py34-windows-32: C:\\Python34\\python.exe
$ tox -e py37-nix

(This will take a minute, because it compiles Cython and Numpy...)

GLOB sdist-make: /home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/setup.py
py37-nix inst-nodeps: /home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/.tox/dist/numpy-stl-2.6.0.zip
py37-nix installed: alabaster==0.7.11,apipkg==1.4,atomicwrites==1.1.5,attrs==18.1.0,Babel==2.6.0,certifi==2018.4.16,chardet==3.0.4,cov-core==1.15.0,coverage==4.5.1,Cython==0.28.3,docutils==0.14,execnet==1.5.0,flake8==3.5.0,idna==2.7,imagesize==1.0.0,Jinja2==2.10,MarkupSafe==1.0,mccabe==0.6.1,more-itertools==4.2.0,numpy==1.14.5,numpy-stl==2.6.0,packaging==17.1,pep8==1.7.1,pluggy==0.6.0,py==1.5.3,pycodestyle==2.3.1,pyflakes==2.0.0,Pygments==2.2.0,pyparsing==2.2.0,pytest==3.6.2,pytest-cache==1.0,pytest-cov==2.5.1,pytest-flakes==3.0.2,pytest-pep8==1.0.6,python-utils==2.3.0,pytz==2018.4,requests==2.19.1,six==1.11.0,snowballstemmer==1.2.1,Sphinx==1.7.5,sphinxcontrib-websupport==1.1.0,urllib3==1.23
py37-nix runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='2657808664'
py37-nix runtests: commands[0] | python setup.py build_ext --inplace
running build_ext
copying build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.7/stl/_speedups.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so -> stl
py37-nix runtests: commands[1] | python -m pytest -vvv
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.7.0rc1, pytest-3.6.2, py-1.5.3, pluggy-0.6.0 -- /home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/.tox/py37-nix/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl, inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: pep8-1.0.6, flakes-3.0.2, cov-2.5.1
collecting ... collected 133 items

setup.py SKIPPED                                                         [  0%]
setup.py PASSED                                                          [  0%]
stl/__about__.py SKIPPED                                                 [  1%]
stl/__about__.py PASSED                                                  [  1%]
stl/__init__.py SKIPPED                                                  [  2%]
stl/__init__.py PASSED                                                   [  2%]
stl/base.py SKIPPED                                                      [  3%]
stl/base.py PASSED                                                       [  3%]
stl/base.py::stl.base.BaseMesh PASSED                                    [  3%]
stl/main.py SKIPPED                                                      [  4%]
stl/main.py PASSED                                                       [  4%]
stl/mesh.py SKIPPED                                                      [  5%]
stl/mesh.py PASSED                                                       [  5%]
stl/stl.py SKIPPED                                                       [  6%]
stl/stl.py PASSED                                                        [  6%]
stl/utils.py SKIPPED                                                     [  6%]
stl/utils.py PASSED                                                      [  6%]
tests/__init__.py SKIPPED                                                [  7%]
tests/__init__.py PASSED                                                 [  7%]
tests/conftest.py SKIPPED                                                [  8%]
tests/conftest.py PASSED                                                 [  8%]
tests/stl_corruption.py SKIPPED                                          [  9%]
tests/stl_corruption.py PASSED                                           [  9%]
tests/stl_corruption.py::test_valid_ascii[False] FAILED                  [  9%]
tests/stl_corruption.py::test_valid_ascii[True] PASSED                   [ 10%]
tests/stl_corruption.py::test_ascii_with_missing_name[False] FAILED      [ 11%]
tests/stl_corruption.py::test_ascii_with_missing_name[True] PASSED       [ 12%]
tests/stl_corruption.py::test_ascii_with_blank_lines[False] FAILED       [ 12%]
tests/stl_corruption.py::test_ascii_with_blank_lines[True] PASSED        [ 13%]
tests/stl_corruption.py::test_incomplete_ascii_file[False] PASSED        [ 14%]
tests/stl_corruption.py::test_incomplete_ascii_file[True] PASSED         [ 15%]
tests/stl_corruption.py::test_corrupt_ascii_file[False] PASSED           [ 15%]
tests/stl_corruption.py::test_corrupt_ascii_file[True] PASSED            [ 16%]
tests/stl_corruption.py::test_corrupt_binary_file[False] PASSED          [ 17%]
tests/stl_corruption.py::test_corrupt_binary_file[True] PASSED           [ 18%]
tests/stl_corruption.py::test_duplicate_polygons[False] PASSED           [ 18%]
tests/stl_corruption.py::test_duplicate_polygons[True] PASSED            [ 19%]
tests/test_ascii.py SKIPPED                                              [ 20%]
tests/test_ascii.py PASSED                                               [ 20%]
tests/test_ascii.py::test_long_name[False] FAILED                        [ 21%]
tests/test_ascii.py::test_long_name[True] PASSED                         [ 21%]
tests/test_ascii.py::test_scientific_notation[False] FAILED              [ 22%]
tests/test_ascii.py::test_scientific_notation[True] PASSED               [ 23%]
tests/test_binary.py SKIPPED                                             [ 24%]
tests/test_binary.py PASSED                                              [ 24%]
tests/test_binary.py::test_ascii_like_binary[False-Mode.BINARY] PASSED   [ 24%]
tests/test_binary.py::test_ascii_like_binary[False-Mode.AUTOMATIC] PASSED [ 25%]
tests/test_binary.py::test_ascii_like_binary[True-Mode.BINARY] PASSED    [ 26%]
tests/test_binary.py::test_ascii_like_binary[True-Mode.AUTOMATIC] PASSED [ 27%]
tests/test_binary.py::test_binary_in_ascii_mode[False] PASSED            [ 27%]
tests/test_binary.py::test_binary_in_ascii_mode[True] PASSED             [ 28%]
tests/test_commandline.py SKIPPED                                        [ 29%]
tests/test_commandline.py PASSED                                         [ 29%]
tests/test_commandline.py::test_main[False] FAILED                       [ 30%]
tests/test_commandline.py::test_main[True] PASSED                        [ 30%]
tests/test_commandline.py::test_args[False] PASSED                       [ 31%]
tests/test_commandline.py::test_args[True] PASSED                        [ 32%]
tests/test_commandline.py::test_ascii[False] PASSED                      [ 33%]
tests/test_commandline.py::test_ascii[True] PASSED                       [ 33%]
tests/test_commandline.py::test_binary[False] FAILED                     [ 34%]
tests/test_commandline.py::test_binary[True] PASSED                      [ 35%]
tests/test_convert.py SKIPPED                                            [ 36%]
tests/test_convert.py PASSED                                             [ 36%]
tests/test_convert.py::test_ascii_to_binary[False] PASSED                [ 36%]
tests/test_convert.py::test_ascii_to_binary[True] PASSED                 [ 37%]
tests/test_convert.py::test_binary_to_ascii[False] PASSED                [ 38%]
tests/test_convert.py::test_binary_to_ascii[True] PASSED                 [ 39%]
tests/test_convert.py::test_stl_mesh[False] FAILED                       [ 39%]
tests/test_convert.py::test_stl_mesh[True] PASSED                        [ 40%]
tests/test_mesh.py SKIPPED                                               [ 41%]
tests/test_mesh.py PASSED                                                [ 41%]
tests/test_mesh.py::test_units_1d[False] PASSED                          [ 42%]
tests/test_mesh.py::test_units_1d[True] PASSED                           [ 42%]
tests/test_mesh.py::test_units_2d[False] PASSED                          [ 43%]
tests/test_mesh.py::test_units_2d[True] PASSED                           [ 44%]
tests/test_mesh.py::test_units_3d[False] PASSED                          [ 45%]
tests/test_mesh.py::test_units_3d[True] PASSED                           [ 45%]
tests/test_mesh.py::test_duplicate_polygons[False] PASSED                [ 46%]
tests/test_mesh.py::test_duplicate_polygons[True] PASSED                 [ 47%]
tests/test_mesh.py::test_remove_all_duplicate_polygons[False] PASSED     [ 48%]
tests/test_mesh.py::test_remove_all_duplicate_polygons[True] PASSED      [ 48%]
tests/test_mesh.py::test_empty_areas[False] PASSED                       [ 49%]
tests/test_mesh.py::test_empty_areas[True] PASSED                        [ 50%]
tests/test_mesh.py::test_base_mesh[False] PASSED                         [ 51%]
tests/test_mesh.py::test_base_mesh[True] PASSED                          [ 51%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py SKIPPED                                     [ 52%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py PASSED                                      [ 52%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_half_donut[ascii-False] FAILED [ 53%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_half_donut[ascii-True] PASSED [ 54%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_moon[ascii-False] FAILED [ 54%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_moon[ascii-True] PASSED [ 55%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_star[ascii-False-Star.stl] FAILED [ 56%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_star[ascii-False-StarWithEmptyHeader.stl] SKIPPED [ 57%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_star[ascii-True-Star.stl] PASSED [ 57%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_star[ascii-True-StarWithEmptyHeader.stl] SKIPPED [ 58%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_half_donut[binary-False] PASSED [ 59%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_half_donut[binary-True] PASSED [ 60%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_moon[binary-False] PASSED [ 60%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_moon[binary-True] PASSED [ 61%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_star[binary-False-Star.stl] PASSED [ 62%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_star[binary-False-StarWithEmptyHeader.stl] PASSED [ 63%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_star[binary-True-Star.stl] PASSED [ 63%]
tests/test_meshProperties.py::test_mass_properties_for_star[binary-True-StarWithEmptyHeader.stl] PASSED [ 64%]
tests/test_multiple.py SKIPPED                                           [ 65%]
tests/test_multiple.py PASSED                                            [ 65%]
tests/test_multiple.py::test_single_stl[False] FAILED                    [ 66%]
tests/test_multiple.py::test_single_stl[True] PASSED                     [ 66%]
tests/test_multiple.py::test_multiple_stl[False] FAILED                  [ 67%]
tests/test_multiple.py::test_multiple_stl[True] PASSED                   [ 68%]
tests/test_multiple.py::test_single_stl_file[False] FAILED               [ 69%]
tests/test_multiple.py::test_single_stl_file[True] PASSED                [ 69%]
tests/test_multiple.py::test_multiple_stl_file[False] FAILED             [ 70%]
tests/test_multiple.py::test_multiple_stl_file[True] PASSED              [ 71%]
tests/test_rotate.py SKIPPED                                             [ 72%]
tests/test_rotate.py PASSED                                              [ 72%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_rotation[False] PASSED                        [ 72%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_rotation[True] PASSED                         [ 73%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_rotation_over_point[False] PASSED             [ 74%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_rotation_over_point[True] PASSED              [ 75%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_double_rotation[False] PASSED                 [ 75%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_double_rotation[True] PASSED                  [ 76%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_no_rotation[False] PASSED                     [ 77%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_no_rotation[True] PASSED                      [ 78%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_no_translation[False] PASSED                  [ 78%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_no_translation[True] PASSED                   [ 79%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_translation[False] PASSED                     [ 80%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_translation[True] PASSED                      [ 81%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_no_transformation[False] PASSED               [ 81%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_no_transformation[True] PASSED                [ 82%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_transformation[False] PASSED                  [ 83%]
tests/test_rotate.py::test_transformation[True] PASSED                   [ 84%]
tests/utils.py SKIPPED                                                   [ 84%]
tests/utils.py PASSED                                                    [ 84%]

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
___________________________ test_valid_ascii[False] ____________________________

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_valid_ascii_False_0/tmp.stl' mode='w+' encoding='UTF-8'>
header = b'solid test.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    vertex'

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_valid_ascii_False_0/tmp.stl' mode='w+' encoding='UTF-8'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
>                   fh, header, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_valid_ascii_False_0/tmp.stl' mode='w+' encoding='UTF-8'>
header = b'solid test.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    vertex'
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_valid_ascii_False_0')
speedups = False

    def test_valid_ascii(tmpdir, speedups):
        tmp_file = tmpdir.join('tmp.stl')
        with tmp_file.open('w+') as fh:
>           mesh.Mesh.from_file(str(tmp_file), fh=fh, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/stl.py:329: in from_file
    fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_valid_ascii_False_0/tmp.stl' mode='w+' encoding='UTF-8'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
                    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
            except RuntimeError as exception:
                # Disable fallbacks in ASCII mode
                if mode is ASCII:

>               (recoverable, e) = exception.args
E               ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

stl/stl.py:81: ValueError
_____________________ test_ascii_with_missing_name[False] ______________________

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_ascii_with_missing_name_F0/tmp.stl' mode='w+' encoding='UTF-8'>
header = b'solid\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    vertex 0.399344'

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_ascii_with_missing_name_F0/tmp.stl' mode='w+' encoding='UTF-8'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
>                   fh, header, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_ascii_with_missing_name_F0/tmp.stl' mode='w+' encoding='UTF-8'>
header = b'solid\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    vertex 0.399344'
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_ascii_with_missing_name_F0')
speedups = False

    def test_ascii_with_missing_name(tmpdir, speedups):
        tmp_file = tmpdir.join('tmp.stl')
        with tmp_file.open('w+') as fh:
            # Split the file into lines
            lines = _STL_FILE.splitlines()

            # Remove everything except solid
            lines[0] = lines[0].split()[0]

            # Join the lines to test files that start with solid without space
>           mesh.Mesh.from_file(str(tmp_file), fh=fh, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/stl.py:329: in from_file
    fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_ascii_with_missing_name_F0/tmp.stl' mode='w+' encoding='UTF-8'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
                    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
            except RuntimeError as exception:
                # Disable fallbacks in ASCII mode
                if mode is ASCII:

>               (recoverable, e) = exception.args
E               ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

stl/stl.py:81: ValueError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
logger.py                   46 WARNING  ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. The application that produced this STL file may be faulty, please report this error. The erroneous line: b'solid'
______________________ test_ascii_with_blank_lines[False] ______________________

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_ascii_with_blank_lines_Fa0/tmp.stl' mode='w+' encoding='UTF-8'>
header = b'solid test.stl\n\n\n      facet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n\n        outer '

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
>           return get(prefix)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_ascii_with_blank_lines_Fa0/tmp.stl' mode='w+' encoding='UTF-8'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
>                   fh, header, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_ascii_with_blank_lines_Fa0/tmp.stl' mode='w+' encoding='UTF-8'>
header = b'solid test.stl\n\n\n      facet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n\n        outer '
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_ascii_with_blank_lines_Fa0')
speedups = False

    def test_ascii_with_blank_lines(tmpdir, speedups):
        _stl_file = '''
        solid test.stl

          facet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897

            outer loop

              vertex 0.399344 0.461940 1.044090
              vertex 0.500000 0.500000 1.500000

              vertex 0.576120 0.500000 1.117320



        endsolid test.stl

        tmp_file = tmpdir.join('tmp.stl')
        with tmp_file.open('w+') as fh:
>           mesh.Mesh.from_file(str(tmp_file), fh=fh, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/stl.py:329: in from_file
    fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_ascii_with_blank_lines_Fa0/tmp.stl' mode='w+' encoding='UTF-8'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
                    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
            except RuntimeError as exception:
                # Disable fallbacks in ASCII mode
                if mode is ASCII:

>               (recoverable, e) = exception.args
E               ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

stl/stl.py:81: ValueError
____________________________ test_long_name[False] _____________________________

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedRandom name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_long_name_False_0/tmp.stl'>
header = b'solid just some very long name which will not fit within the standardjust some very long name which will not fit wit...00 0.500000 1.500000\n          vertex 0.576120 0.500000 1.117320\n        endloop\n      endfacet\n    endsolid\n    '

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedRandom name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_long_name_False_0/tmp.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
>                   fh, header, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedRandom name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_long_name_False_0/tmp.stl'>
header = b'solid just some very long name which will not fit within the standardjust some v'
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_long_name_False_0')
speedups = False

    def test_long_name(tmpdir, speedups):
        name = 'just some very long name which will not fit within the standard'
        name += name
        _stl_file = ('''
        solid %s
          facet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897
            outer loop
              vertex 0.399344 0.461940 1.044090
              vertex 0.500000 0.500000 1.500000
              vertex 0.576120 0.500000 1.117320
        ''' % name).lstrip()

        tmp_file = tmpdir.join('tmp.stl')
        with tmp_file.open('wb+') as fh:
            test_mesh = mesh.Mesh.from_file(str(tmp_file), fh=fh,
>                                           speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/stl.py:329: in from_file
    fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedRandom name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_long_name_False_0/tmp.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
                    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
            except RuntimeError as exception:
                # Disable fallbacks in ASCII mode
                if mode is ASCII:

>               (recoverable, e) = exception.args
E               ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

stl/stl.py:81: ValueError
_______________________ test_scientific_notation[False] ________________________

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedRandom name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_scientific_notation_False0/tmp.stl'>
header = b'solid just some very long name which will not fit within the standardjust some very long name which will not fit wit...000e-5 5.00000e-5 1.500000e-3\n          vertex 0 2.22045e-15 -10\n        endloop\n      endfacet\n    endsolid\n    '

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedRandom name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_scientific_notation_False0/tmp.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
>                   fh, header, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedRandom name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_scientific_notation_False0/tmp.stl'>
header = b'solid just some very long name which will not fit within the standardjust some v'
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_scientific_notation_False0')
speedups = False

    def test_scientific_notation(tmpdir, speedups):
        name = 'just some very long name which will not fit within the standard'
        name += name
        _stl_file = ('''
        solid %s
          facet normal 1.014565e-10 7.3223e-5 -10
            outer loop
              vertex 0.399344 0.461940 1.044090e-5
              vertex 5.00000e-5 5.00000e-5 1.500000e-3
              vertex 0 2.22045e-15 -10
        ''' % name).lstrip()

        tmp_file = tmpdir.join('tmp.stl')
        with tmp_file.open('wb+') as fh:
            test_mesh = mesh.Mesh.from_file(str(tmp_file), fh=fh,
>                                           speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/stl.py:329: in from_file
    fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedRandom name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_scientific_notation_False0/tmp.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
                    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
            except RuntimeError as exception:
                # Disable fallbacks in ASCII mode
                if mode is ASCII:

>               (recoverable, e) = exception.args
E               ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

stl/stl.py:81: ValueError
_______________________________ test_main[False] _______________________________

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
header = b'solid halfdonut.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    v'

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
>                   fh, header, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
header = b'solid halfdonut.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    v'
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ascii_file = '/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'
binary_file = '/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_binary/HalfDonut.stl'
tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_main_False_0')
speedups = False

    def test_main(ascii_file, binary_file, tmpdir, speedups):
        original_argv = sys.argv[:]
        args_pre = ['stl']
        args_post = [str(tmpdir.join('output.stl'))]

        if not speedups:

            sys.argv[:] = args_pre + [ascii_file] + args_post
>           main.main()

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/main.py:53: in main
    speedups=not args.disable_speedups)
stl/stl.py:329: in from_file
    fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
                    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
            except RuntimeError as exception:
                # Disable fallbacks in ASCII mode
                if mode is ASCII:

>               (recoverable, e) = exception.args
E               ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

stl/stl.py:81: ValueError
______________________________ test_binary[False] ______________________________

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
header = b'solid halfdonut.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    v'

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
>                   fh, header, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
header = b'solid halfdonut.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    v'
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ascii_file = '/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'
tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_binary_False_0')
speedups = False

    def test_binary(ascii_file, tmpdir, speedups):
        original_argv = sys.argv[:]
            sys.argv[:] = [
                '-s' if not speedups else '',
>               main.to_binary()

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/main.py:85: in to_binary
    speedups=not args.disable_speedups)
stl/stl.py:329: in from_file
    fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
                    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
            except RuntimeError as exception:
                # Disable fallbacks in ASCII mode
                if mode is ASCII:

>               (recoverable, e) = exception.args
E               ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

stl/stl.py:81: ValueError
_____________________________ test_stl_mesh[False] _____________________________

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
header = b'solid halfdonut.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    v'

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
>                   fh, header, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
header = b'solid halfdonut.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    v'
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ascii_file = '/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'
tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_stl_mesh_False_0')
speedups = False

    def test_stl_mesh(ascii_file, tmpdir, speedups):
        tmp_file = tmpdir.join('tmp.stl')

>       mesh = stl.StlMesh(ascii_file, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/stl.py:334: in from_file
    fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
                    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
            except RuntimeError as exception:
                # Disable fallbacks in ASCII mode
                if mode is ASCII:

>               (recoverable, e) = exception.args
E               ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

stl/stl.py:81: ValueError
_______________ test_mass_properties_for_half_donut[ascii-False] _______________

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
header = b'solid halfdonut.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    v'

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
>                   fh, header, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
header = b'solid halfdonut.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    v'
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

binary_ascii_path = local('/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii')
speedups = False

    def test_mass_properties_for_half_donut(binary_ascii_path, speedups):
        Checks the results of method get_mass_properties() on
        STL ASCII and binary files HalfDonut.stl
        One checks the results obtained with stl
        with the ones obtained with meshlab
        filename = binary_ascii_path.join('HalfDonut.stl')
>       mesh = stl.StlMesh(str(filename), speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/stl.py:334: in from_file
    fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/HalfDonut.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
                    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
            except RuntimeError as exception:
                # Disable fallbacks in ASCII mode
                if mode is ASCII:

>               (recoverable, e) = exception.args
E               ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

stl/stl.py:81: ValueError
__________________ test_mass_properties_for_moon[ascii-False] __________________

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/Moon.stl'>
header = b'solid moon.stl\nfacet normal -0.091618 0.000000 -0.072093\n  outer loop\n    vertex'

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/Moon.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
>                   fh, header, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/Moon.stl'>
header = b'solid moon.stl\nfacet normal -0.091618 0.000000 -0.072093\n  outer loop\n    vertex'
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

binary_ascii_path = local('/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii')
speedups = False

    def test_mass_properties_for_moon(binary_ascii_path, speedups):
        Checks the results of method get_mass_properties() on
        STL ASCII and binary files Moon.stl
        One checks the results obtained with stl
        with the ones obtained with meshlab
        filename = binary_ascii_path.join('Moon.stl')
>       mesh = stl.StlMesh(str(filename), speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/stl.py:334: in from_file
    fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/Moon.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
                    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
            except RuntimeError as exception:
                # Disable fallbacks in ASCII mode
                if mode is ASCII:

>               (recoverable, e) = exception.args
E               ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

stl/stl.py:81: ValueError
_____________ test_mass_properties_for_star[ascii-False-Star.stl] ______________

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/Star.stl'>
header = b'solid star.stl\nfacet normal 0.000000 -0.645975 0.000000\n  outer loop\n    vertex '

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/Star.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
>                   fh, header, speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/Star.stl'>
header = b'solid star.stl\nfacet normal 0.000000 -0.645975 0.000000\n  outer loop\n    vertex '
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

binary_ascii_path = local('/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii')
filename = local('/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/Star.stl')
speedups = False

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('filename', ('Star.stl', 'StarWithEmptyHeader.stl'))
    def test_mass_properties_for_star(binary_ascii_path, filename, speedups):
        Checks the results of method get_mass_properties() on
        STL ASCII and binary files Star.stl and
        STL binary file StarWithEmptyHeader.stl (with no header)
        One checks the results obtained with stl
        with the ones obtained with meshlab
        filename = binary_ascii_path.join(filename)
        if not filename.exists():
            pytest.skip('STL file does not exist')
>       mesh = stl.StlMesh(str(filename), speedups=speedups)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/stl.py:334: in from_file
    fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.stl.BaseStl'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/tests/stl_ascii/Star.stl'>
mode = <Mode.AUTOMATIC: 0>, speedups = False

    def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True):
        '''Load Mesh from STL file

            Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files.

            :param file fh: The file handle to open
            :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary
        header = fh.read(HEADER_SIZE).lower()
        if not header:

        if isinstance(header, str):  # pragma: no branch
            header = b(header)

        name = ''

        if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')):
                name, data = cls._load_ascii(
                    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
            except RuntimeError as exception:
                # Disable fallbacks in ASCII mode
                if mode is ASCII:

>               (recoverable, e) = exception.args
E               ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

stl/stl.py:81: ValueError
____________________________ test_single_stl[False] ____________________________

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedRandom name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_single_stl_False_0/tmp.stl'>
header = b'solid test.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    vertex'

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_single_stl_False_0')
speedups = False

    def test_single_stl(tmpdir, speedups):
        tmp_file = tmpdir.join('tmp.stl')
        with tmp_file.open('wb+') as fh:
            for m in mesh.Mesh.from_multi_file(
>                   str(tmp_file), fh=fh, speedups=speedups):

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/stl.py:364: in from_multi_file
    raw_data = cls.load(fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
stl/stl.py:75: in load
    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedRandom name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_single_stl_False_0/tmp.stl'>
header = b'solid test.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    vertex'
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError
___________________________ test_multiple_stl[False] ___________________________

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedRandom name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_multiple_stl_False_0/tmp.stl'>
header = b'solid test.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    vertex'

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_multiple_stl_False_0')
speedups = False

    def test_multiple_stl(tmpdir, speedups):
        tmp_file = tmpdir.join('tmp.stl')
        with tmp_file.open('wb+') as fh:
            for _ in range(10):
            for i, m in enumerate(mesh.Mesh.from_multi_file(
>                   str(tmp_file), fh=fh, speedups=speedups)):

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/stl.py:364: in from_multi_file
    raw_data = cls.load(fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
stl/stl.py:75: in load
    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedRandom name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_multiple_stl_False_0/tmp.stl'>
header = b'solid test.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    vertex'
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError
_________________________ test_single_stl_file[False] __________________________

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_single_stl_file_False_0/tmp.stl'>
header = b'solid test.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    vertex'

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_single_stl_file_False_0')
speedups = False

    def test_single_stl_file(tmpdir, speedups):
        tmp_file = tmpdir.join('tmp.stl')
        with tmp_file.open('wb+') as fh:
            for m in mesh.Mesh.from_multi_file(
>                   str(tmp_file), speedups=speedups):

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/stl.py:364: in from_multi_file
    raw_data = cls.load(fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
stl/stl.py:75: in load
    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_single_stl_file_False_0/tmp.stl'>
header = b'solid test.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    vertex'
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError
________________________ test_multiple_stl_file[False] _________________________

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_multiple_stl_file_False_0/tmp.stl'>
header = b'solid test.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    vertex'

    def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header):
        if b'\n' in header:
            recoverable = [True]
            recoverable = [False]
            header += b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE))

        lines = b(header).split(b('\n'))

        def get(prefix=''):
            prefix = b(prefix)

            if lines:
                line = lines.pop(0)
                raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
            if not lines:
                recoverable[0] = False

                # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
                lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
                line += lines.pop(0)

            line = line.lower().strip()
            if line == b(''):
                return get(prefix)

            if prefix:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
                elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                    # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                    size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                    if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                        position = fh.tell()
                        fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
                    raise StopIteration()
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       '%r should start with %r' % (line,

                if len(values) == 3:
                    return [float(v) for v in values]
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                                       'Incorrect value %r' % line)
                return b(line)

        line = get()
        if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')):
            cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. '
                        'The application that produced this STL file may be '
                        'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous '
                        'line: %r', line)

        if not lines:
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0],
                               'No lines found, impossible to read')

        # Yield the name
        yield line[5:].strip()

        while True:
            # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover
            # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to
            # unseekable files such as sys.stdin
            # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a
            # buffer and/or StringIO does not work.
>               normals = get('facet normal')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

prefix = b'facet normal'

    def get(prefix=''):
        prefix = b(prefix)

        if lines:
            line = lines.pop(0)
            raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines')
        if not lines:
            recoverable[0] = False

            # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data
            lines[:] = b(fh.read(BUFFER_SIZE)).split(b('\n'))
            line += lines.pop(0)

        line = line.lower().strip()
        if line == b(''):
            return get(prefix)

        if prefix:
            if line.startswith(prefix):
                values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split()
            elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')):
                # go back to the beginning of new solid part
                size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1
                if size_unprocessedlines > 0:
                    position = fh.tell()
                    fh.seek(position - size_unprocessedlines)
>               raise StopIteration()
E               StopIteration

stl/stl.py:169: StopIteration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_multiple_stl_file_False_0')
speedups = False

    def test_multiple_stl_file(tmpdir, speedups):
        tmp_file = tmpdir.join('tmp.stl')
        with tmp_file.open('wb+') as fh:
            for _ in range(10):

            for i, m in enumerate(mesh.Mesh.from_multi_file(
>                   str(tmp_file), speedups=speedups)):

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
stl/stl.py:364: in from_multi_file
    raw_data = cls.load(fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups)
stl/stl.py:75: in load
    fh, header, speedups=speedups)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

cls = <class 'stl.mesh.Mesh'>
fh = <_io.BufferedReader name='/tmp/pytest-of-churchyard/pytest-1/test_multiple_stl_file_False_0/tmp.stl'>
header = b'solid test.stl\nfacet normal -0.014565 0.073223 -0.002897\n  outer loop\n    vertex'
speedups = False

    def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True):
        # The speedups module is covered by travis but it can't be tested in
        # all environments, this makes coverage checks easier
        if _speedups and speedups:  # pragma: no cover
            return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header)
            iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header)
            name = next(iterator)
>           return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
E           RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

stl/stl.py:228: RuntimeError
=============== 15 failed, 96 passed, 22 skipped in 1.94 seconds ===============
/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/.tox/py37-nix/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pep8.py:110: FutureWarning: Possible nested set at position 1
  EXTRANEOUS_WHITESPACE_REGEX = re.compile(r'[[({] | []}),;:]')
ERROR: InvocationError: '/home/churchyard/Dokumenty/RedHat/numpy-stl/.tox/py37-nix/bin/python -m pytest -vvv'
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
ERROR:   py37-nix: commands failed
hroncok commented 6 years ago

testing a fix with all the other Python versions, will send a PR.