woltapp / magic-di

Dependency Injector with minimal boilerplate code, built-in support for FastAPI and Celery, and seamless integration to basically anything.
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Is there a way to inject FastAPI `Request` object in the dependency chain? #19

Open wadinj opened 5 days ago

wadinj commented 5 days ago


We use middleware and request state to bind a SQLAlchemy session to a request. Is there a way to inject the Request object from FastAPI in magic-di dependency chain?

RB387 commented 1 day ago

Hey 👋 magic-di dependencies are typically used in app scope. However, you can also combine them with fastapi’s request scope dependencies. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe you can achieve it with something like this

from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from fastapi import Request, Depends
from magic_di.fastapi import Provide
from magic_di import Connectable

class SQLAlchemy(Connectable):
   async def start_session(self, request: Request):
       yield SQLAlchemySession(self, request)

async def get_sql_alchemy(request: Request, sql_alchemy: Provide[SQLAlchemy]) -> SQLAlchemySession:
    async with sql_alchemy.start_session(request) as session:
        yield session

async def test_endpoint(sql_alchemy_session:  Annotated[SQLAlchemySession, Depends(get_sql_alchemy)]):