wolveix / satisfactory-server

A Dockerized version of the Satisfactory dedicated server
MIT License
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Sever fails to complete loading on Experimental with latest 'Performance Patch" #203

Closed Lipora closed 1 year ago

Lipora commented 1 year ago

Describe the Bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Your Runtime Command or Docker Compose File Please censor anything sensitive.

System Specs (please complete the following information): If you're on Linux, just paste the following block as a single command, and paste the output here.

echo "===== START ISSUE REPORT =====
OS:  $(uname -a)
CPU: $(lscpu | grep 'Model name:' | sed 's/Model name:[[:space:]]*//g')
RAM: $(awk '/MemAvailable/ {printf( "%d\n", $2 / 1024000 )}' /proc/meminfo)GB/$(awk '/MemTotal/ {printf( "%d\n", $2 / 1024000 )}' /proc/meminfo)GB
HDD: $(df -h | awk '$NF=="/"{printf "%dGB/%dGB (%s used)\n", $3,$2,$5}')
===== END ISSUE REPORT ====="

Alternatively, you can find the information manually. Here's what we're looking for:

Additional Context Add any other context about the problem here.

Lipora commented 1 year ago

Apologies, this seems to have double posted.