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[BUIDL '22] ClaimHQ (Prev RepoHub) #15

Open kaymomin opened 1 year ago

kaymomin commented 1 year ago


Name of Project: goClaim

Proposer: kaymomin

Do you agree to Encode Club's Terms and Conditions: Yes

Do you agree to the grant process outlined by WBW3: Yes

Project Description

Back in 2008, Chris Wanstrath and his friends found the process of coding together to be tedious and tiresome. There simply wasn’t a way to build software as a team online — so they decided to build one for themselves. Like many legendary companies, GitHub began as a side project built to solve a deeply felt personal problem. We at goClaim, are here to solve yet another deeply felt personal problem - the Non-Existent Developer Economy.

But unlike creator economy that is estimated to be worth more than $100 billion there's no channel for developers, DevRel engineers and technical content creators to get incentives for their open source contributions, given hundreds if not thousands of educational resources and projects in web3 space is coming through individual contributors.

We are here to change that with Claims, a reward-first platform that connects individual contributors with companies and let companies distribute funds through community pool grants automatically to the creators and devs building on their tech based on their contributions.

Tech Stack

Tech Details
Polygon Blockchain
ENS To resolve the user’s address
Lens Retrieve the user’s Lens posts, followers, etc
Web3Auth Github integration
Push Web3 Notification Messaging
Solidity Smart Contract
Hardhat Test and deployment check for Smart Contract
Ankr Node Infrastructure
The Graph Query data from the smart contract
Rainbowkit User-friendly wallet connection
IPFS/Pinata Web3 storage for proof-of-work links
Ethers.js Interact and call our smart contract
Next.js React-based framework for frontend

Development Roadmap

Milestone 1

Number Deliverable Specification
1. Onboarding Flow Outlined bidirectional communication between protocols and builders
2. Incentive Mechanism Finalized Incentive Mechanism to be the Grant Staking Pool
3. UI and UX Designed the UI and UX of the prototype
4. MVP for Idea Validation Github Link Attached: https://github.com/turja-c/bloom

Milestone 2

Number Deliverable Specification
1. Contributor and Creator Profiling Creator and contributor's profile creation, auth and user explore features
2. Web3 Notifications Integrate EPNS & push notifications
3. Social Marketing Start marketing and community building

Milestone 3

Number Deliverable Specification
1. Smart Contract Development Bidirectional Smart Contracts for staking pool money + validating proof-of-work links by creators and devs
2. Frontend Landing Page and Profiling Frontend
3. Social Proof and Integrations Social and Github Integrations using Web3Auth

Milestone 4

Number Deliverable Specification
1. Task Creation Implementing Task Creation Feature for Creators and Contributors
2. Claim Board Implementation Development of Claim Board for Companies
3. Space Creation Implementing Spaces (company profile) for organizations
4. Leaderboard Implementing Leaderboard to track progress and contributions of devs and creators
5. Platform Alpha Development Pipelining backend + frontend
6. Partnerships Onboarding companies and DAOs

Total Budget Requested

25,500 USD

Project Links

Prototype: https://github.com/turja-c/bloom Project Code: https://github.com/kaymomin/RepoHub Social Media: https://twitter.com/0xClaimHQ

Team Members

Turja | Twitter Jen | Twitter Krinza | Twitter