womenhackfornonprofits / whfnp

Women Hack for Non-Profits Website Overhaul
18 stars 7 forks source link

Testing on Chrome #167

Closed raineydavid closed 7 years ago

raineydavid commented 7 years ago

Test the development site: http://devwomenhackfornonprofits.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/index.html on iPad device (please pm Lili if you need access to browserstack for testing).

raineydavid commented 7 years ago

Logo missing women hack for non profits description, more apparent on all pages that are not the index as only reference to women hack for non profits is in the footer. whfnp-volunteer-logomissingdescription

On the index page our partners section: sponsoring spelt incorrectly as sponsiring whfnp-index-partners

Jaspal's voice is spelt inconsistently eg Jaspals voice and Jaspal's voice and does not mirror the embedded website image spelling of Jaspal's voice whfnp_projects-jaspals

On the about page, there is a floating line over the text whfnp-about

Blog Publishing directly on medium rather than using canonical links. https://help.medium.com/hc/en-us/articles/217991468-Duplicate-Content-and-SEO

Also public message inconsistent: Blog mantra: "Volunteer run community helping women to improve their tech skills while working on real life projects for social good." whfnp-blog-mantra

Website Mantra: We are a community of women in tech building open source projects for non-profit organizations and individuals with a cause. whfnp-index-mantra

Call to Action Buttons Expecting to volunteers and non-profit buttons on the index hero image. whfnp-index-calltoaction

Expecting the call to action buttons eg volunteer with us to take me lower down the page to a div with relevant form eg Volunteer with us

Contact Us Expecting to see twitter facebook email etc.. for example: https://www.britishgas.co.uk/Help_Advice/ContactUs/ whfnp: whfnp-contact-missingtwitterfacebook

Unexpectedly left the site after submitting form to formspree whfnp-contact-unexpectedformspree

lili2311 commented 7 years ago


raineydavid commented 7 years ago
raineydavid commented 7 years ago

Also spam protection for the form eg: Hidden form fields https://www.sitepoint.com/easy-spam-prevention-using-hidden-form-fields/

or Recaptcha https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/

raineydavid commented 7 years ago


Accessibility Violations

Missing text in links for social icons in footer, no text visible to screen readers

Images insufficiently described

eg WHFNP logo image rather than Orange W,H,F,N,P letters in capitals for women hack for non profits logo

colour contrast

Insufficient on index page - see http://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/ For example: Become a Partner

Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.41 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #e42e3d, font size: 12.0pt, font weight: bold)

Fix any of the following Related Nodes: body > section:nth-of-type(6) > .container > .col-sm-12 > .button

raineydavid commented 7 years ago

Missing files

Missing venntro image as two g in file name for http://devwomenhackfornonprofits.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/index.html https://res.cloudinary.com/drdmdqahj/image/upload/q_auto:good/v1478311036/venntro_logo_mwfngp.pngg

Missing google analytics file http://cdn.owlcdn.com/google/analytics/analytics.js

lili2311 commented 7 years ago
raineydavid commented 7 years ago

Fromspree Redirect

http://devwomenhackfornonprofits.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/contact.html It turns out we can do redirect in Formspree (so no mailchimp required) we can do this by adding _next to another hidden input to specify which url we'd like users to be sent to one they’ve submitted the form. Can this be utilised? Just following tutorial from here: https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/quick-tip-add-a-formspree-form-to-your-static-sites--cms-23870


lili2311 commented 7 years ago

what page are you referring to? if you are mentioning the email signup then we want to use mailchimp

raineydavid commented 7 years ago

Updated the comment above to have the correct link .. oops

lili2311 commented 7 years ago

Redirect added and button colours fixed.