Open DebNeUIbm opened 2 years ago
I've found a workararound, see:
Adding a scrollView solves the scrolling issue, but then you lose the ability to pinch & zoom. Issue is still a problem
Any fixes for this, the pinch & zoom seems to be a problem. It seems to pinch on steps on android, iphone works correctly
Any luck on this?
Unfortunately not
Any luck on this?
I was able to get the scroll working on Android using the setNativeProps. Although you sometimes need to touch twice, it's the closest way how I was able to get it working smoothly on Android.
export function useDisableNativePropsScroll<ScrollView>(): {
enableNativePropsScroll: () => void;
disableNativePropsScroll: () => void;
scrollViewRef: React.RefObject<ScrollView>;
} {
const scrollViewRef = useRef<ScrollView>(null);
const disableNativePropsScroll = useCallback(() => {
// @ts-expect-error for SrollView ref as null
scrollViewRef.current?.setNativeProps({ scrollEnabled: false });
}, [scrollViewRef]);
const enableNativePropsScroll = useCallback(() => {
// @ts-expect-error for SrollView ref as null
scrollViewRef.current?.setNativeProps({ scrollEnabled: true });
}, [scrollViewRef]);
return { scrollViewRef, disableNativePropsScroll, enableNativePropsScroll };
And then use with the PDF component:
const { scrollViewRef, disableNativePropsScroll, enableNativePropsScroll } =
return (
<ScrollView ref={scrollViewRef}>
<View onTouchStart={disableNativePropsScroll} onTouchEnd={enableNativePropsScroll}>
source={{ uri: 'URL_to_some.pdf' }}
style={{ height: 300 }}
I solved it by including the pageCount for example:
<Pdf trustAllCerts={false} source={source} onLoadComplete={(numberOfPages,filePath) => { console.log(
Number of pages: ${numberOfPages}); setPages(numberOfPages); }} onPageChanged={(page,numberOfPages) => { console.log(
Current page: ${page}); }} onError={(error) => { console.log(error); }} onPressLink={(uri) => { console.log(
Link pressed: ${uri}); }} pageCount={21} horizontal={false} style={styles.pdf}/>
version are you using? 0.65.1What
version are you using? 6.4.0What platform does your issue occur on? (android/ios/both) android
Describe your issue as precisely as possible : 1) Steps to reproduce the issue or to explain in which case you get the issue