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Explore the source codes of compile process #21

Closed wonderfan closed 9 years ago

wonderfan commented 9 years ago
wonderfan commented 9 years ago

Best Practice: It's recommended to use the "directive definition object" form.

wonderfan commented 9 years ago
var myModule = angular.module(...);

myModule.directive('directiveName', function factory(injectables) {
  var directiveDefinitionObject = {
    priority: 0,
    template: '<div></div>', // or // function(tElement, tAttrs) { ... },
    // or
    // templateUrl: 'directive.html', // or // function(tElement, tAttrs) { ... },
    replace: false,
    transclude: false,
    restrict: 'A',
    scope: false,
    controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $transclude, otherInjectables) { ... },
    require: 'siblingDirectiveName', // or // ['^parentDirectiveName', '?optionalDirectiveName', '?^optionalParent'],
    compile: function compile(tElement, tAttrs, transclude) {
      return {
        pre: function preLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) { ... },
        post: function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) { ... }
      // or
      // return function postLink( ... ) { ... }
    // or
    // link: {
    //  pre: function preLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) { ... },
    //  post: function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) { ... }
    // }
    // or
    // link: function postLink( ... ) { ... }
  return directiveDefinitionObject;
wonderfan commented 9 years ago

Note: Any unspecified options will use the default value. You can see the default values below.

wonderfan commented 9 years ago
var myModule = angular.module(...);

myModule.directive('directiveName', function factory(injectables) {
  var directiveDefinitionObject = {
    link: function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs) { ... }
  return directiveDefinitionObject;
  // or
  // return function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs) { ... }
wonderfan commented 9 years ago

The source code: compile.js

wonderfan commented 9 years ago

The directive function

   this.directive = function registerDirective(name, directiveFactory) {
    assertNotHasOwnProperty(name, 'directive');
    if (isString(name)) {
      assertArg(directiveFactory, 'directiveFactory');
      if (!hasDirectives.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
        hasDirectives[name] = [];
        $provide.factory(name + Suffix, ['$injector', '$exceptionHandler',
          function($injector, $exceptionHandler) {
            var directives = [];
            forEach(hasDirectives[name], function(directiveFactory, index) {
              try {
                var directive = $injector.invoke(directiveFactory);
                if (isFunction(directive)) {
                  directive = { compile: valueFn(directive) };
                } else if (!directive.compile && directive.link) {
                  directive.compile = valueFn(directive.link);
                directive.priority = directive.priority || 0;
                directive.index = index;
                directive.name = directive.name || name;
                directive.require = directive.require || (directive.controller && directive.name);
                directive.restrict = directive.restrict || 'A';
              } catch (e) {
            return directives;
    } else {
      forEach(name, reverseParams(registerDirective));
    return this;
wonderfan commented 9 years ago

The dependencies of compile function

'$injector', '$interpolate', '$exceptionHandler', '$http', '$templateCache', '$parse',
            '$controller', '$rootScope', '$document', '$sce', '$animate', '$$sanitizeUri'
wonderfan commented 9 years ago

The attribute class definition

   var Attributes = function(element, attr) {
      this.$$element = element;
      this.$attr = attr || {};

    Attributes.prototype = {
      $normalize: directiveNormalize,

       * @ngdoc method
       * @name $compile.directive.Attributes#$addClass
       * @function
       * @description
       * Adds the CSS class value specified by the classVal parameter to the element. If animations
       * are enabled then an animation will be triggered for the class addition.
       * @param {string} classVal The className value that will be added to the element
      $addClass : function(classVal) {
        if(classVal && classVal.length > 0) {
          $animate.addClass(this.$$element, classVal);

       * @ngdoc method
       * @name $compile.directive.Attributes#$removeClass
       * @function
       * @description
       * Removes the CSS class value specified by the classVal parameter from the element. If
       * animations are enabled then an animation will be triggered for the class removal.
       * @param {string} classVal The className value that will be removed from the element
      $removeClass : function(classVal) {
        if(classVal && classVal.length > 0) {
          $animate.removeClass(this.$$element, classVal);

       * @ngdoc method
       * @name $compile.directive.Attributes#$updateClass
       * @function
       * @description
       * Adds and removes the appropriate CSS class values to the element based on the difference
       * between the new and old CSS class values (specified as newClasses and oldClasses).
       * @param {string} newClasses The current CSS className value
       * @param {string} oldClasses The former CSS className value
      $updateClass : function(newClasses, oldClasses) {
        var toAdd = tokenDifference(newClasses, oldClasses);
        var toRemove = tokenDifference(oldClasses, newClasses);

        if(toAdd.length === 0) {
          $animate.removeClass(this.$$element, toRemove);
        } else if(toRemove.length === 0) {
          $animate.addClass(this.$$element, toAdd);
        } else {
          $animate.setClass(this.$$element, toAdd, toRemove);

       * Set a normalized attribute on the element in a way such that all directives
       * can share the attribute. This function properly handles boolean attributes.
       * @param {string} key Normalized key. (ie ngAttribute)
       * @param {string|boolean} value The value to set. If `null` attribute will be deleted.
       * @param {boolean=} writeAttr If false, does not write the value to DOM element attribute.
       *     Defaults to true.
       * @param {string=} attrName Optional none normalized name. Defaults to key.
      $set: function(key, value, writeAttr, attrName) {
        // TODO: decide whether or not to throw an error if "class"
        //is set through this function since it may cause $updateClass to
        //become unstable.

        var booleanKey = getBooleanAttrName(this.$$element[0], key),

        if (booleanKey) {
          this.$$element.prop(key, value);
          attrName = booleanKey;

        this[key] = value;

        // translate normalized key to actual key
        if (attrName) {
          this.$attr[key] = attrName;
        } else {
          attrName = this.$attr[key];
          if (!attrName) {
            this.$attr[key] = attrName = snake_case(key, '-');

        nodeName = nodeName_(this.$$element);

        // sanitize a[href] and img[src] values
        if ((nodeName === 'A' && key === 'href') ||
            (nodeName === 'IMG' && key === 'src')) {
          this[key] = value = $$sanitizeUri(value, key === 'src');

        if (writeAttr !== false) {
          if (value === null || value === undefined) {
          } else {
            this.$$element.attr(attrName, value);

        // fire observers
        var $$observers = this.$$observers;
        $$observers && forEach($$observers[key], function(fn) {
          try {
          } catch (e) {

       * @ngdoc method
       * @name $compile.directive.Attributes#$observe
       * @function
       * @description
       * Observes an interpolated attribute.
       * The observer function will be invoked once during the next `$digest` following
       * compilation. The observer is then invoked whenever the interpolated value
       * changes.
       * @param {string} key Normalized key. (ie ngAttribute) .
       * @param {function(interpolatedValue)} fn Function that will be called whenever
                the interpolated value of the attribute changes.
       *        See the {@link guide/directive#Attributes Directives} guide for more info.
       * @returns {function()} the `fn` parameter.
      $observe: function(key, fn) {
        var attrs = this,
            $$observers = (attrs.$$observers || (attrs.$$observers = {})),
            listeners = ($$observers[key] || ($$observers[key] = []));

        $rootScope.$evalAsync(function() {
          if (!listeners.$$inter) {
            // no one registered attribute interpolation function, so lets call it manually
        return fn;
wonderfan commented 9 years ago

The body of compile function

    function compile($compileNodes, transcludeFn, maxPriority, ignoreDirective,
                        previousCompileContext) {
      if (!($compileNodes instanceof jqLite)) {
        // jquery always rewraps, whereas we need to preserve the original selector so that we can
        // modify it.
        $compileNodes = jqLite($compileNodes);
      // We can not compile top level text elements since text nodes can be merged and we will
      // not be able to attach scope data to them, so we will wrap them in <span>
      forEach($compileNodes, function(node, index){
        if (node.nodeType == 3 /* text node */ && node.nodeValue.match(/\S+/) /* non-empty */ ) {
          $compileNodes[index] = node = jqLite(node).wrap('<span></span>').parent()[0];
      var compositeLinkFn =
              compileNodes($compileNodes, transcludeFn, $compileNodes,
                           maxPriority, ignoreDirective, previousCompileContext);
      safeAddClass($compileNodes, 'ng-scope');
      return function publicLinkFn(scope, cloneConnectFn, transcludeControllers){
        assertArg(scope, 'scope');
        // important!!: we must call our jqLite.clone() since the jQuery one is trying to be smart
        // and sometimes changes the structure of the DOM.
        var $linkNode = cloneConnectFn
          ? JQLitePrototype.clone.call($compileNodes) // IMPORTANT!!!
          : $compileNodes;

        forEach(transcludeControllers, function(instance, name) {
          $linkNode.data('$' + name + 'Controller', instance);

        // Attach scope only to non-text nodes.
        for(var i = 0, ii = $linkNode.length; i<ii; i++) {
          var node = $linkNode[i],
              nodeType = node.nodeType;
          if (nodeType === 1 /* element */ || nodeType === 9 /* document */) {
            $linkNode.eq(i).data('$scope', scope);

        if (cloneConnectFn) cloneConnectFn($linkNode, scope);
        if (compositeLinkFn) compositeLinkFn(scope, $linkNode, $linkNode);
        return $linkNode;

Three steps: