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jQuery Mobile #30

Closed wonderfan closed 9 years ago

wonderfan commented 9 years ago

What does body's onload event mean?

This event handler will be called on the body element when the body has finished loading.

wonderfan commented 9 years ago

<body onload="myonload()" onpageshow="mypageshowcode()">

wonderfan commented 9 years ago

One good example: https://github.com/bnolan/Backbone-Mobile

Get the list and images via json, render them as list view, wrap it with jquery list view via data-role definition

wonderfan commented 9 years ago

The jQuery mobile bootstrap theme : https://github.com/commadelimited/jQuery-Mobile-Bootstrap-Theme

wonderfan commented 9 years ago

This can be a reference:https://github.com/jeromeetienne/jquery-mobile-960, but it is better to use 960 css or bootstrap grid css.

wonderfan commented 9 years ago

The link: https://github.com/ququplay/jquery-mobile-flat-ui-theme

The shinning point: define some background ,icon as well as some custom styles