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grafana and uchiwa #80

Closed wonderfan closed 8 years ago

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

The grafana code repository: https://github.com/grafana/grafana

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

You can add the datasource plugins: https://github.com/grafana/grafana-plugins

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

monitor solution: https://github.com/Nuance-Mobility/Hera-Monitoring/tree/master/run

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

_shinning points_:

Data sources in Grafana v2.0 are no longer defined in a config file. Instead, they are added through the UI or the HTTP API.

The backend can now proxy data from Data Sources, which means that it is a lot easier to get started using Grafana with Graphite or OpenTSDB without having to spend time with CORS (Cross origin resource sharing) work-arounds.

In addition, connections to Data Sources can be better controlled and secured, and authentication information no longer needs to be exposed to the browser.

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

Server-side Panel rendering Grafana now supports server-side PNG rendering. From the Panel share dialog you now have access to a link that will render a particular Panel to a PNG image.

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

The code repository: https://github.com/sensu/uchiwa-web

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

one monitoring framework: https://github.com/naparuba/shinken

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

The documentation: http://shinken.readthedocs.org/en/latest/

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

another monitoring framework: http://www.monitis.com/product

wonderfan commented 8 years ago


wonderfan commented 8 years ago


wonderfan commented 8 years ago


wonderfan commented 8 years ago


wonderfan commented 8 years ago


wonderfan commented 8 years ago
