wonderfan / javascript

Explore the power of HTML,CSS and JavaScript
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Angular Extension #81

Closed wonderfan closed 8 years ago

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

common D3 visualizations for elasticsearch: https://github.com/fullscale/dangle

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

The page loader: https://connoratherton.com/loaders

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

use canvus to render chart: https://github.com/cyberpython/AwesomeChartJS

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

The kibana project to show logs: https://github.com/elastic/kibana

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

HTTP resource atop of jQuery: https://github.com/alandipert/resource-js

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

interactive and live-time graph: https://github.com/shutterstock/rickshaw

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

jQuery flot to create attractive charts: https://github.com/flot/flot

wonderfan commented 8 years ago

Use jQuery REST to consume REST service: https://github.com/jpillora/jquery.rest