exporters/common#exportFlattenedBoard (file-based thumbnail exporter)
Generates a flattened image file, given the board data and an absolute path to the files on disk. Requires a size option, so it can be used to generate thumbnails.
Returns a Promise which resolves with the absolute path to the exported file.
Used by: multiples, pasting multiple images, importing multiple images, photoshop import
exporters/common#flattenBoardToContext (canvas-based, generate thumbnail from canvases in-memory)
Draws a flattened board to context
Knows about opacity
Used by: thumbnail display
(file-based thumbnail exporter) Generates a flattened image file, given the board data and an absolute path to the files on disk. Requires asize
option, so it can be used to generate thumbnails. Returns a Promise which resolves with the absolute path to the exported file. Used by: multiples, pasting multiple images, importing multiple images, photoshop importexporters/common#flattenBoardToContext
(canvas-based, generate thumbnail from canvases in-memory) Draws a flattened board to context Knows about opacity Used by: thumbnail display