wong2 / first-commit

(deprecated) a service to find the first commit of a repo, built with koa.js
MIT License
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first-commit.com is not doing anything #15

Open balupton opened 7 years ago

balupton commented 7 years ago

perhaps deploy to now.sh and provide the now URL? would save the cost of the domain name

kevinkassimo commented 7 years ago

Also found the site down days ago. Thus I wrote a version that also adds sequential commit browsing and is now available at http://buhtig.com (reverse of Github lol)

wong2 commented 7 years ago

yeah, this is due to Github's changes on their front-end code, and I haven't found a way to make first-commit work again..

wong2 commented 7 years ago

@kevinkassimo I can't open your site T T

kevinkassimo commented 7 years ago

@wong2 It seems my node server has just stopped running. I am restarting it now

kevinkassimo commented 7 years ago

@wong2 Back up again. It seems my server killed the nohup process for some weird reason. Restarted with forever command instead. For Buhtig.com, I added usage of Github API. (说起来你介意我在repo里提到你的id吗(因为参考了你一部分的idea。Github API自带的commit数有误所以commit还是用了headless browser jquery html parsing)Orz以及自己其实才刚刚开始学node。。。)

wong2 commented 7 years ago

@kevinkassimo 没问题。所以你现在是怎样获取 fist commit 的?自从 Github 改成 https://github.com/git/git/commits/master?after=b14f27f91770e0f99f64135348977a0ce1c7993a+34 这种翻页模式后我还没找到方法

kevinkassimo commented 7 years ago

@wong2 api.github.com,它会按页提供commit info的json,所以先parse对应repo的页面获得commit总数(Github API自带的commit数这方面有偏差),然后计算应该向api.github.com索取第几页的信息(所以不仅可以获取first commit,而实际上可以获得任何一个sequentially labeled commit)https://developer.github.com/v3/#pagination。不过Github API有次数上限,所以网站暂时每小时最多query 1000次来着(虽说一般够用了)。。。可能之后想试试看改成Github Login的话就可以依赖每个user独立的query limit,可能会好很多。。。

wong2 commented 7 years ago

@kevinkassimo thanks! 我试试

chocolateboy commented 7 years ago

There are a few snippets for doing this e.g.:

kevinkassimo commented 6 years ago

Has been a while. I have again revamped my replacement site doing similar job, buhtig.com with React & Go, and changed commit fetching logic again, now it's much faster with caching! Hope you guys who need it loves the new site!

kevinkassimo commented 6 years ago

@chocolateboy You should check out my site too, At buhtig.com (domain is the reverse of Github LOL)

chocolateboy commented 6 years ago

@kevinkassimo Thanks, already spotted! (I mention it here :-)