wonhakchoi / Epic-Project-Group

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SCRUM Report 5 #60

Open malcolmz-zr opened 1 year ago

malcolmz-zr commented 1 year ago

Collection of our scrum reports for project progress 5

malcolmz-zr commented 1 year ago

Malcolm Zhao (g0t0j)

  1. What did you work on this past iteration? I worked on the google photos API to attach photos to all our queried restaurants, and styled the display of the search bar. Also, I did error handling for the returned data of the Google Places API. I also worked on the display of the profile page, and the display of friends in the profile page.

  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? We combined our work pretty last minute. Some of us edited the same file which led to merge conflicts, which we had to resolve quickly. Those things can lead to some stress.

  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? I plan to finish the profile page and display of friends and rated restaurants in it. Ill also look into a recommendation system, and hopefully get one set up.

CedricPulmano commented 1 year ago

Cedric Pulmano (t7t2z)

What did you work on this past iteration? I implemented the server endpoints for our website's rating system, and loaded the initial ratings in our database with lazy loading. I added some dummy rating data, and tested that the backend works as intended and can instantly be connected to the frontend.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? We had a few merge conflicts, as well as some errors due to inconsistencies in our model structures for the Friends documents in our database.

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? I will connect each review to the corresponding restaurant, so if users want to view a specific restaurant or user, they can do so directly from clicking on the rating result component. The users also are currently assigned a random user icon, so I will make it so that they can choose which icon they want. If time permits, we can add a few other small features.

imvanwendy commented 1 year ago

Chenwen Shen (m3d2b)

What did you work on this past iteration? I organized the tasks doc for our meeting for this project progress. I linked up the collections system to the places api so that all of the restaurants in each collection displayed the proper info as well as the ability to add restaurants to collections through the search bar. I also deployed both the backend and frontend of the web app so that it can be visited through a url online.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? After deploying the frontend, the authentication system stopped working despite it working normally when ran locally.

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? I will continue looking into the issue that we have with the authentication system and help the group with any remaining tasks left including the rating system.

tammy-kim commented 1 year ago

Tammy Kim (r0x2b)

  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? I made changes to the navigation bar, added a new home page, and started working on adding pinning and unpinning feature for collections.

  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? Time management was our biggest issue - we were pushing most of our code to the branches last minute, so it was a bit stressful to deal with merge conflicts. We also had trouble with deploying our project, and we did not end up getting authentication working on the deployed website.

  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? I am going to work on improving the styling for home page, navigation bar, login page, and collections page. Our group is planning to hold a meeting soon to discuss what each of us is going to focus on, and make sure we get all the standard requirements working on the deployed version by the next project progress deadline.

wonhakchoi commented 1 year ago

Wonhak Choi (o9z2b)

1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? I worked on completing the authentication of our project. I utilized different libraries like jwt to store cookies to manage user login. I also worked on styling the reviews page.

2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? Some challenges were putting all our code together into one place, as we were individually working on our own branch, so we ran into some issues with errors popping up. We also ran into some trouble with deploying our front end on Render, which we will work on before the deadline.

3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? I will refine the review system to make it look nicer and more user-friendly. If the deployment doesn’t work out I’ll also use a different library to work on the authentication system. I will also be working on the styling of the friends and profile page.