wonjoonSeol-WS / Palworld-fix-uuid

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Converting Level.sav file generates exceptions #1

Open Riscon opened 2 months ago

Riscon commented 2 months ago


thank you very much for your work. I think the script no longer works for the current version - v. as of 23/04/2024 (Day/Month/Year). I get exceptions when editing the Level.sav file.

The exception log is very long, so I'm only posting the last part of it.


Riscon commented 2 months ago


I fixed this issue by myself. The problem is your script Requires-Dist: palworld-save-tools (>=0.19.0,<0.20.0).

https://github.com/cheahjs/palworld-save-tools is currently released at 0.22.0. (as of 24/04/2024 (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)) I had to modify ..\..\Lib\site-packages\palworld_fix_uuid-0.1.1.dist-info\METADATA to accept higher versions of palworld-save-tools.

So I modified the mentioned require statement to Requires-Dist: palworld-save-tools (>=0.19.0,<0.30.0).

After that the conversion works flawlessly.