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miniKanren'19 pratice talk: Kuang-Chen Lu #17

Open RyanGlScott opened 5 years ago

RyanGlScott commented 5 years ago

Leave feedback here.

RyanGlScott commented 5 years ago

Mention IU somewhere in the opening slide! :)

vollmerm commented 5 years ago

Up front phrases like "allocation of resources" in conjunction and disjunction, not explained.

RyanGlScott commented 5 years ago

It would be helpful to include a legend (around slide 14) explaining what the colors represent. You explain this with words, but it's easy for the audience to miss this.

RyanGlScott commented 5 years ago

On slide 30, indicate visually which search strategies are new in your work.

jsiek commented 5 years ago

skip the first slides with bullet points and go straight to the examples

slide 22: unfair disjunction two shades of green are too close, hard to distinguish picture didn't really show lack of fairness

which kinds of fairness are old and which ones are new? i.e. what is the contribution of this paper?

slide 28/29: expand, go slower. I didn't understand what I guess was the main point... which is how to implement fair search.

slide 30: this slide should come much sooner

samth commented 5 years ago
3. avoid blank slides
5. start with examples
13. which did you do? what are your contributions?
13. Signposting!
24. Can these be represented more like code?
31. this should be much earlier
32. have a final slide with the takeaways