wonsunahn / Capstone_Spring2021

MIT License
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PROJECT bjs112 #27

Open Ethereal123 opened 3 years ago

Ethereal123 commented 3 years ago

Voice Activated technology to improve medication adherence. (choice 1) - I found the pitch for this project super interesting and I would love the chance to learn more about voice assistant applications. I also have strong coding and analytical skills which I think would be an asset to this team. I also have some experience working in medical or medical adjacent fields which I think could be an asset to this kind of a patient focused application. I do not have prior experience building apps using a VA, but I have always found the topic very interesting and would love the chance to learn more deeply about them by being involved in this project.

Ethereal123 commented 3 years ago

MEDWiser - user-controlled clinical data web application (Choice 2) - I think that especially given the current situation with Covid this would be a project which has a lot of potential to help people. I find the field interesting and would love the opportunity to work with health care professionals to help them meet their needs. I do not have current experiences working with front end applications (Angular etc) but I have taken the department's data science class which based on my understanding of the pitch could be useful.

Protect your voice in IoT voice devices (choice 3) - I found this project to be interesting for a similar reason that I found my choice 1 to be interesting. I have some user experience with VA technology but have also had some misgivings about how much privacy I am giving up by using them. I am really curious to learn more about VA applications, and have also taken the Machine learning course in the department which should be useful when working with TensorFlow.