Film Network Web App
I have a lot of experience with SQL, Neo4j, and Python as well as CSS, JavaScript, and Flask from
taking Data Science and Web Applications last semester. This idea is something I would enjoy
working on.
Authoring system for evaluating surgical skill
Mobile application development is something I would like to do after I graduate. I've been trying to
teach myself how to build a mobile app so I'm familiar with XCode and Swift as well as web application development with Google Cloud Platform. I would love to have this experience to show future employers and learn how to create a mobile app.
Allegheny County Policing Project
I have a lot of experience with HTML/CSS, Python and some with JavaScript. Being able to help build this website would be super cool and this is an amazing idea.
CGI Client Onboarding
I have experience with HTML/CSS, Java, Git, MySQL, and VS Code. I would like to learn the other technologies for this project and modern software-development techniques.