woocommerce / FlexSlider

An awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider plugin
GNU General Public License v2.0
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IOS7 css transitions #853

Closed thaoms closed 9 years ago

thaoms commented 11 years ago

All my sites that use FlexSlider on iOS7 (Chrome and Safari) seem to have issues when you swipe on the '.flexslider' container. When you for example swipe down (on your container), hold it and then move left or right it moves your slide and after that it just seems to lock up.

It seems to be an issue with CSS transitions in iOS7, 'useCSS': false, seems to fix it.

jpannone commented 11 years ago

I'm not seeing this on my devices (iPhone 5 & iPad Mini, iOS7). I checked multiple sites where I'm using flexslider (with CSS transitions) ranging from version 1.8 to 2.2

thaoms commented 11 years ago

Im testing on this website. http:/weidel.be

Seems to be fine on ios6..

h0r0m4n commented 11 years ago

@thomasvankerckvoorde same here, I’m using latest version but with a Picturefill.

studentco commented 11 years ago

if you'll set "useCSS: false" will work

thaoms commented 11 years ago

Yes, I know that, but I prefer smooth css transitions. But useCSS: false is a good temporary fix.

chance commented 11 years ago

I'm also having this issue.

ry5n commented 10 years ago

I’m noticing this especially on small screens; in my case, the flexslider element is full-width below about 700px. Attempting to scroll the page on this section causes all gestures to stop working almost immediately (causing scrolling to fail). It seems much harder to cause this to happen with a larger screen (e.g. iPad), though it does happen. No console errors in Chrome. Setting useCSS to false seems to solve this for now.

partnuz commented 10 years ago

Seems like flexslider is abandonware.

dkeeghan commented 10 years ago

I have observed this issue as well.

Kash121 commented 10 years ago

I am also facing this issue.

ry5n commented 10 years ago

Seems like this is a real issue with iOS7’s transition implementation and/or a flexslider bug. Something that might speed things up is to post a test case (JSbin, CodePen, etc). I’m snowed under at the moment, but if anyone has some spare time it might help.

ghost commented 10 years ago

"useCSS: false" will not work for me on iOS7 … any other suggestions?

MykeArgyle commented 10 years ago

I had the issue initially, but it started working again just a couple days after iOS7 launch. It's possible there was an update to iOS 7 or something that allows you to swipe sideways and then scroll down.

IveChen commented 10 years ago

i found that webkitTransitionEnd/transitionend event never fired sometimes which cause this issue. after i add a flag to control,it fixed. when transition duration is gone,the flag never changed,and i did a trigger event. qq20131014183235

jonnybojangles commented 10 years ago

I have experienced the same issue. More specifically I have noticed that the flex slider breaks only once I come to the end of a repeating carousel (e.g. of 4 items when I swipe from 1 to 4 or from 4 to 1) while swiping in both a down/up and left/right (x and y) motion. When I disable the animationLoop option CSS transitions work fine.

I was able to work around the problem by setting useCSS or animationLoop to false.

tycooper commented 10 years ago

Although useCSS:false works, it would be great to have this enabled as the transitions are much nicer.

jonnybojangles commented 10 years ago

Agreed, I am currently working on/suggest creating a fix similar to what @ilovezhangxue posted above and @maccman wrote about in January: http://blog.alexmaccaw.com/css-transitions (using timeouts to trigger a consistent transition end).

patrickyan commented 10 years ago

My slider locks up after a vertical scroll (swipe starting in the slider). It no longer advances and does not respond to swipes or tapping prev/next buttons.

Nettsentrisk commented 10 years ago

I've observed this problem mostly only when orientation is changed to landscape mode from portrait mode. After orientation change, the banner just freezes entirely and no longer responds to any events, causing it to be almost impossible to scroll the page due to the banner taking up most of the page.

What could be the problem, only on iOS7?

tycooper commented 10 years ago

We have noticed that useCSS:false to get around the IOS7 issue was causing Flexslider to lock up on some versions of IOS6—specifically 6.0 (10A405). Until a real update, we are currently flipping out the useCSS variable based on if the user agent is IOS7 or greater. Not ideal, but a quick patch for now. We'll keep watching for a fix.

shofer commented 10 years ago

I've the same problem and i can reproduce it on http://flexslider.woothemes.com/ Tested on an iPad2 iOS 7.0.4 Mobile Safari: Start scrolling the page within the slider. Than at the same time also slide the slider and leave the touchable area. Keep your finger on the display the whole time! I've captured it on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K7dnpkZf1Y&feature=youtu.be It brings the slider to dead on every second try.

Semmie commented 10 years ago

Add: -webkit-perspective: 1000; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;

to ".flex-viewport" and it will be smooth :)

andreybrokeit commented 10 years ago

Any news on this issue? I still able to break slider on iPhone by sliding horizontally and vertically simultaneously. Any workarounds or hacks to patch the issue? useCSS: false didn't work.

gapple commented 10 years ago

Looks like this was fixed in f0e9b4cf3f89ab2a0cd8fb0b7593f81defc02eda

andreybrokeit commented 10 years ago

@gapple Yup, tested it on prod. Had to adjust "selector" option for the newer slider JS call. Thanks!

gegeke commented 10 years ago

unfortunately the bug appears on my iPad Mini Retina (iOS 7.1.2) with Safari and Flexslider v 2.2.2. Everything works fine, until I touch the screen on the slider area (either for swiping or just simple tapping). Then the slider stops advancing automaticall (although it does respond to left-right swipes).

darknailblue commented 10 years ago

I am still having this issue on Safari with iOS 7.1.1 It seems that when a user scrolls through a website that they use a diagonal type motion which seems to trigger this a lot.

themechills commented 10 years ago

Also experiencing this issue using iOS 7.1.2 (iPhone 4S), has anyone found a fix for this? Here is my site wp.themechills.com/eternity/

tjbarber commented 10 years ago

I'm also experiencing this on iOS 7.1.2 on my iPhone 5S and the iOS Simulator. Setting useCSS to false fixed it for me though.

clickblipclick commented 10 years ago

Yes, this still seem to be an issue on iOS. Seems to happen if you begin scrolling first, then while scrolling you drag the flexslider as well.

drywall commented 9 years ago

FWIW, I've encountered this issue too. The "webkitTransitionEnd transitionend" event definitely isn't firing, dunno why. Setting useCSS to false fixes the issue as it bypasses CSS transitions and thus doesn't need to listen for those events.

LittleHendrix commented 9 years ago

I was having the same issue on iOS8 mobile safari. added what @Semmie suggested and the problem seems to have gone away! Thank you!