woocommerce / facebook-for-woocommerce

A first-party extension plugin built for WooCommerce. Development is managed by Ventures.
GNU General Public License v2.0
210 stars 137 forks source link

Problem with publishing or updating product #2546

Closed smpol closed 1 year ago

smpol commented 1 year ago

Hello I have a problem, well through the Facebook for Woocommerce plugin I cannot add or update products on the site. After disabling the plugin, I can already add products or update them normally. WordPress logs show the entry: PHP Warning array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/facebook-for-woocommerce/includes/AJAX.php on line 199 I tried to uninstall and reinstall plugin but I still have this problem. How to fix that? I used the newest vesrion.

rawdreeg commented 1 year ago

Hi @smpol. We need some additional information in order to debug this.

Can you please include logs, details about your WordPress environment (from WooCommerce Status Report), and any other relevant information about your site?

Frankmagan commented 1 year ago

Exactly the same thing happens to me

smpol commented 1 year ago

Hi @smpol. We need some additional information in order to debug this.

Can you please include logs, details about your WordPress environment (from WooCommerce Status Report), and any other relevant information about your site?

Okay here is a logs from Woocommerce:

### WordPress Environment ###

WordPress address (URL):
Site address (URL):
WC Version: 7.7.2
REST API Version: ✔ 7.7.2
WC Blocks Version: ✔ 10.0.6
Action Scheduler Version: ✔ 3.6.0
Log Directory Writable: ✔
WP Version: 6.2.2
WP Multisite: –
WP Memory Limit: 1 000 MB
WP Debug Mode: ✔
WP Cron: ✔
Language: pl_PL
External object cache: –

### Server Environment ###

Server Info: LiteSpeed
PHP Version: 7.4.33
PHP Post Max Size: 500 MB
PHP Time Limit: 300
PHP Max Input Vars: 100000
cURL Version: 7.87.0

SUHOSIN Installed: –
MySQL Version: 5.5.5-10.6.13-MariaDB-cll-lve
Max Upload Size: 500 MB
Default Timezone is UTC: ✔
fsockopen/cURL: ✔
SoapClient: ✔
DOMDocument: ✔
GZip: ✔
Multibyte String: ✔
Remote Post: ✔
Remote Get: ✔

### Database ###

WC Database Version: 7.7.2
WC Database Prefix: wp_
Całkowity rozmiar bazy danych: 86.83MB
Rozmiar bazy danych: 75.37MB
Rozmiar indeksu bazy danych: 11.46MB
wp_woocommerce_sessions: Dane: 0.05MB + Indeks: 0.02MB + Silnik InnoDB
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wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: Dane: 0.02MB + Indeks: 0.02MB + Silnik InnoDB
wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: Dane: 0.02MB + Indeks: 0.06MB + Silnik InnoDB
wp_woocommerce_order_items: Dane: 0.02MB + Indeks: 0.02MB + Silnik InnoDB
wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: Dane: 0.16MB + Indeks: 0.14MB + Silnik InnoDB
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wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: Dane: 0.02MB + Indeks: 0.03MB + Silnik InnoDB
wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones: Dane: 0.02MB + Indeks: 0.00MB + Silnik InnoDB
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### Post Type Counts ###

attachment: 931
cookielawinfo: 6
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jp_img_sitemap: 1
jp_sitemap: 1
jp_sitemap_master: 1
mailpoet_page: 1
nav_menu_item: 12
page: 10
post: 1
product: 211
product_variation: 34
revision: 118
shop_coupon: 1
shop_order: 107
shopmagic_automation: 1
wp_global_styles: 1

### Security ###

Secure connection (HTTPS): ✔
Hide errors from visitors: ❌Komunikaty o błędach nie powinny być widoczne dla użytkowników.

### Active Plugins (27) ###

WPML SEO: przez OnTheGoSystems – 2.0.2
Cloudflare: przez Cloudflare
Inc. – 4.12.0

Facebook for WooCommerce: przez Facebook – 3.0.24
Furgonetka.pl: przez Furgonetka.pl – 1.2.4
Zgodności ciasteczek z RODO: przez Moove Agency – 4.12.3
Google Listings and Ads: przez WooCommerce – 2.4.9
Site Kit od Google: przez Google – 1.102.0
Health Check & Troubleshooting: przez Społeczność WordPress.org – 1.6.0
HookMeUp – Unlock and use strategic spots in any WooCommerce Theme: przez Get Bowtied – 1.8
Jetpack Boost: przez Automattic - Jetpack Site Speed team – 1.9.1
Jetpack Protect: przez Automattic - Jetpack Security team – 1.4.0
Jetpack: przez Automattic – 12.2
WPBakery Page Builder: przez Michael M - WPBakery.com – 6.7.0
Omnibus: przez Marcin Pietrzak – 2.3.4
Parcel Panel Order Tracking for WooCommerce: przez Parcel Panel – 3.0.11
Product Blocks for WooCommerce: przez GetBowtied – 1.6
WooCommerce Przelewy24 Payment Gateway: przez Przelewy24 Sp. z o.o. – 1.0.6
ShopMagic dla WooCommerce: przez WP Desk – 3.0.14
Easy Updates Manager: przez Easy Updates Manager Team – 9.0.16
The Hanger Extender: przez GetBowtied – 1.7.3
UpdraftPlus - Kopia/przywracanie: przez UpdraftPlus.Com
DavidAnderson – 1.23.4

WooSwatches - Woocommerce Color or Image Variation Swatches: przez WooMatrix – 3.3.11
WooCommerce: przez Automattic – 7.7.2
Yoast SEO: przez Zespół Yoast – 20.8
WP Debugging: przez Andy Fragen – 2.11.22
WP Mail Logging: przez WP Mail Logging Team – 1.11.1
Yoast SEO: WooCommerce: przez Zespół Yoast – 14.8

### Inactive Plugins (1) ###

Disable Sales for WooCommerce: przez Michal Trykoszko – 1.0.8

### Must Use Plugins (2) ###

Health Check Troubleshooting Mode: przez  – 1.9.0
WordPress automation by Installatron: przez  –

### Settings ###

API Enabled: –
Force SSL: –
Currency: PLN (zł)
Currency Position: right_space
Thousand Separator: 
Decimal Separator: ,
Number of Decimals: 2
Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
grouped (grouped)
simple (simple)
variable (variable)

Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
featured (featured)
outofstock (outofstock)
rated-1 (rated-1)
rated-2 (rated-2)
rated-3 (rated-3)
rated-4 (rated-4)
rated-5 (rated-5)

Connected to WooCommerce.com: –
Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: –
HPOS feature screen enabled: –
HPOS feature enabled: –
Order datastore: WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT
HPOS data sync enabled: –

### WC Pages ###

Strona sklepu: #12 - /sklep/
Koszyk: #13 - /koszyk/
Zamówienie: #14 - /zamowienie/
Moje konto: #15 - /moje-konto/
Regulamin: #26 - /regulamin/

### Theme ###

Name: The Hanger
Version: 1.7.2
Author URL: https://www.getbowtied.com/
Child Theme: ❌ – Jeśli modyfikujesz WooCommerce lub motyw nadrzędny
którego nie jesteś autorem
polecamy używanie motywu potomnego. Zobacz: Jak tworzyć motywy potomne

WooCommerce Support: ✔

### Templates ###

Overrides: the-hanger/woocommerce/archive-product.php

### Admin ###

Enabled Features: activity-panels

Disabled Features: product-block-editor

Daily Cron: ✔ Next scheduled: 2023-06-11 19:04:02 +02:00
Options: ✔
Notes: 44
Onboarding: completed

### Action Scheduler ###

Complete: 625
Oldest: 2023-05-11 21:01:38 +0200
Newest: 2023-06-11 19:33:57 +0200

Failed: 95
Oldest: 2022-12-31 21:39:38 +0100
Newest: 2023-06-11 16:47:04 +0200

Pending: 5
Oldest: 2023-06-12 05:00:00 +0200
Newest: 2023-07-01 15:21:56 +0200

### Status report information ###

Generated at: 2023-06-11 20:05:18 +02:00
rawdreeg commented 1 year ago

Thanks @smpol ,

I was able to reproduce the PHP warning notice:

PHP Warning array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/facebook-for-woocommerce/includes/AJAX.php on line 199

but even with the warning, I can save a product with no issues.

I created a PR to fix the issue:


In /public_html/wp-content/plugins/facebook-for-woocommerce/includes/AJAX.php on line 199


$product_tags = array_filter( $product_tags, null );


$product_tags = array_filter( $product_tags );

Can you try to make this change on your staging site and confirm this fixes the issue? Otherwise, there could be another problem that will need to be addressed.

smpol commented 1 year ago

$product_tags = array_filter( $product_tags, null );

Thanks @smpol ,

I was able to reproduce the PHP warning notice:

PHP Warning array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/facebook-for-woocommerce/includes/AJAX.php on line 199

but even with the warning, I can save a product with no issues.

I created a PR to fix the issue:


In /public_html/wp-content/plugins/facebook-for-woocommerce/includes/AJAX.php on line 199


$product_tags = array_filter( $product_tags, null );


$product_tags = array_filter( $product_tags );

Can you try to make this change on your staging site and confirm this fixes the issue? Otherwise, there could be another problem that will need to be addressed.

Yes! That fix my problem and now editing products work! Thank you very much for help

rawdreeg commented 1 year ago

The fix will be available on our next release.

ecgan commented 1 year ago

The fix for this issue has been released in version https://github.com/woocommerce/facebook-for-woocommerce/releases/tag/3.0.25.