woocommerce / facebook-for-woocommerce

A first-party extension plugin built for WooCommerce. Development is managed by Ventures.
GNU General Public License v2.0
210 stars 137 forks source link

Productos de WooCommerce no se conectan con la Tienda de Instagram #2565

Closed theeyemood01 closed 1 year ago

theeyemood01 commented 1 year ago

🔎 Isolate the bug

Hola, tengo un problema. Tengo un catálogo generado en WooCommerce y lo he conectado a través de Facebook for WooCommerce para que aparezca en la tienda de Instagram. Pero, cada vez que hago una modificación en el catálogo de la tienda en WooCommerce no se translada a la tienda de Instagram, como por ejemplo las rebajas. He trabajado con los mismos plugins en otros comercios electrónicos y no he tenido problemas. Creo que esta vez se debe de deber el error a la plantilla y al tema que son: Styler ChildVersión: 1.1.7 Por Ninetheme. Y también, copio por aquí el estado del sistema: `

WordPress Environment

WordPress address (URL): https://dafontecollection.com Site address (URL): https://dafontecollection.com WC Version: 7.8.0 REST API Version: ✔ 7.8.0 WC Blocks Version: ✔ 10.2.3 Action Scheduler Version: ✔ 3.5.4 Log Directory Writable: ✔ WP Version: 6.2.2 WP Multisite: – WP Memory Limit: 512 MB WP Debug Mode: – WP Cron: ✔ Language: es_ES External object cache: –

Server Environment

Server Info: Apache PHP Version: 8.0.28 PHP Post Max Size: 128 MB PHP Time Limit: 300 PHP Max Input Vars: 10000 cURL Version: 7.84.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1p

SUHOSIN Installed: – MySQL Version: 10.4.28-MariaDB-cll-lve Max Upload Size: 128 MB Default Timezone is UTC: ✔ fsockopen/cURL: ✔ SoapClient: ✔ DOMDocument: ✔ GZip: ✔ Multibyte String: ✔ Remote Post: ✔ Remote Get: ✔


WC Database Version: 7.8.0 WC Database Prefix: dafontec_ Tamaño total de la base de datos: 120.72MB Tamaño de los datos de la base de datos: 97.67MB Tamaño del índice de la base de datos: 23.05MB dafontec_woocommerce_sessions: Datos: 0.22MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_woocommerce_api_keys: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.06MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_woocommerce_order_items: Datos: 0.05MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: Datos: 0.19MB + Índice: 0.23MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_woocommerce_tax_rates: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.06MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_woocommerce_shipping_zones: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_woocommerce_payment_tokens: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_woocommerce_log: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_actionscheduler_actions: Datos: 19.05MB + Índice: 9.08MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_actionscheduler_claims: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_actionscheduler_groups: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_actionscheduler_logs: Datos: 7.02MB + Índice: 5.16MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_bwf_contact: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.06MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_bwf_contact_meta: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_bwf_funnelmeta: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_bwf_funnels: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_bwf_optin_entries: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_bwf_wc_customers: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_cartflows_ca_cart_abandonment: Datos: 0.08MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_cartflows_ca_email_history: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_cartflows_ca_email_templates: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_cartflows_ca_email_templates_meta: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_cl_abandon_cart: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_cl_campaign_history: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_cl_email_templates: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_commentmeta: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_comments: Datos: 0.17MB + Índice: 0.09MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_e_events: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_gla_budget_recommendations: Datos: 0.22MB + Índice: 0.14MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_gla_merchant_issues: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_gla_shipping_rates: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_gla_shipping_times: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_links: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_litespeed_url: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_litespeed_url_file: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.08MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_automations: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_automation_runs: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_automation_run_logs: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_automation_run_subjects: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_automation_triggers: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_automation_versions: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_custom_fields: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_dynamic_segment_filters: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_feature_flags: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_forms: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_log: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_migrations: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_newsletters: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_newsletter_links: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.05MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_newsletter_option: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_newsletter_option_fields: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_newsletter_posts: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_newsletter_segment: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_newsletter_templates: Datos: 2.11MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks: Datos: 0.05MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_scheduled_task_subscribers: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_segments: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_sending_queues: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_settings: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_statistics_bounces: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_statistics_clicks: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.05MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_statistics_forms: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_statistics_newsletters: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_statistics_opens: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.08MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.05MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_statistics_woocommerce_purchases: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.06MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_stats_notifications: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_subscribers: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.13MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_subscriber_custom_field: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_subscriber_ips: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_subscriber_segment: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_subscriber_tag: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_tags: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_user_agents: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_mailpoet_user_flags: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_options: Datos: 7.02MB + Índice: 1.16MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_postmeta: Datos: 14.30MB + Índice: 1.78MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_posts: Datos: 42.13MB + Índice: 0.38MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_redirection_404: Datos: 1.02MB + Índice: 0.05MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_redirection_groups: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_redirection_items: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.09MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_redirection_logs: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.05MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_redsys_order: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_smush_dir_images: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_snippets: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_stream: Datos: 0.23MB + Índice: 0.53MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_stream_meta: Datos: 1.02MB + Índice: 1.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_termmeta: Datos: 0.05MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_terms: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_term_relationships: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_term_taxonomy: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_tm_taskmeta: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_tm_tasks: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_usermeta: Datos: 0.28MB + Índice: 0.20MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_users: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.05MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_user_registration_sessions: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_admin_notes: Datos: 0.06MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_admin_note_actions: Datos: 0.06MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_category_lookup: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_customer_lookup: Datos: 0.05MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_download_log: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_order_coupon_lookup: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_order_product_lookup: Datos: 0.05MB + Índice: 0.06MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_order_stats: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.05MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_order_tax_lookup: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_product_attributes_lookup: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_product_download_directories: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_product_meta_lookup: Datos: 0.05MB + Índice: 0.09MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_rate_limits: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_reserved_stock: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_tax_rate_classes: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wc_webhooks: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wfacp_stats: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.06MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wfco_report_views: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.05MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_woo_shippment_provider: Datos: 0.09MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_wpmelon_advbedit_temp: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.00MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_yoast_indexable: Datos: 0.06MB + Índice: 0.09MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_yoast_indexable_hierarchy: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.05MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_yoast_migrations: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.02MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_yoast_primary_term: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB dafontec_yoast_seo_links: Datos: 0.02MB + Índice: 0.03MB + Motor InnoDB

Post Type Counts

attachment: 536 custom_css: 3 custom-css-js: 2 customize_changeset: 1 cwginstocknotifier: 50 elementor_library: 19 mailpoet_page: 1 nav_menu_item: 30 page: 18 polylang_mo: 2 popup: 1 popup_theme: 8 post: 2 product: 31 product_variation: 131 revision: 939 shop_coupon: 55 shop_order: 188 shop_order_refund: 13 user_registration: 1 wp_global_styles: 1 wpcf7_contact_form: 8


Secure connection (HTTPS): ✔ Hide errors from visitors: ✔

Active Plugins (27)

Redux Framework: por Team Redux – 4.4.1 Protección Anti-Spam Akismet: por Automattic - Equipo Anti Spam – 5.2 Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro: por codewoogeek – 3.2 Code Snippets: por Code Snippets Pro – 3.4.0 Contact Form 7: por Takayuki Miyoshi – 5.7.7 Elementor: por Elementor.com – 3.14.0 Envato Market: por Envato – 2.0.8 Facebook for WooCommerce: por Facebook – 3.0.25 Site Kit by Google: por Google – 1.103.0 Hotjar: por Hotjar – 1.0.15 LiteSpeed Cache: por LiteSpeed Technologies – 5.5 PixelYourSite: por PixelYourSite – Really Simple SSL: por Really Simple Plugins – 7.0.5 Redirection: por John Godley – 5.3.10 Regenerar miniaturas: por Alex Mills (Viper007Bond) – 3.1.5 Safe SVG: por 10up – 2.1.1 Stream: por XWP – 3.9.3 Styler Elementor Addons: por Ninetheme – 1.1.1 Tidio Chat: por Tidio Ltd. – 6.0.8 UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: por UpdraftPlus.Com DavidAnderson – 1.23.6

Seguimiento avanzado de envíos para WooCommerce: por zorem – 3.5.3 WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery: por CartFlows Inc – 1.2.25 WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit: por George Iron – 5.0.1 WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: por WooCommerce – 7.4.1 WooCommerce PayPal Payments: por WooCommerce – 2.1.0 WooCommerce: por Automattic – 7.8.0 (la actualización a la versión 7.8.1 está disponible) Yoast SEO: por Equipo Yoast – 20.9

Inactive Plugins (0)

Must Use Plugins (1)

Elementor Safe Mode: por Elementor.com – 1.0.0


API Enabled: – Force SSL: – Currency: EUR (€) Currency Position: right_space Thousand Separator: . Decimal Separator: , Number of Decimals: 2 Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external) grouped (grouped) simple (simple) variable (variable)

Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog) exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search) featured (featured) outofstock (outofstock) rated-1 (rated-1) rated-2 (rated-2) rated-3 (rated-3) rated-4 (rated-4) rated-5 (rated-5)

Connected to WooCommerce.com: – Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: ✔ HPOS feature screen enabled: – HPOS feature enabled: – Order datastore: WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT HPOS data sync enabled: –

WC Pages

Base de la tienda: #8 - /tienda/ Carrito: #9 - /carrito/ Finalizar compra: #10 - /pago/ Mi cuenta: #11 - /cuenta/ Términos y condiciones: #6575 - /condiciones-generales-de-contratacion/


Name: Styler Child Version: 1.1.7 Author URL: Child Theme: ✔ Parent Theme Name: Styler Parent Theme Version: 1.1.7 Parent Theme Author URL: http://ninetheme.com/about WooCommerce Support: ✔


Overrides: styler/woocommerce/archive-product.php styler/woocommerce/cart/cart-empty.php styler/woocommerce/cart/cart-shipping.php styler/woocommerce/cart/cart-totals.php styler/woocommerce/cart/cart.php styler/woocommerce/cart/cross-sells.php styler/woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php styler/woocommerce/cart/proceed-to-checkout-button.php styler/woocommerce/cart/shipping-calculator.php styler/woocommerce/checkout/form-billing.php styler/woocommerce/checkout/form-checkout.php styler/woocommerce/checkout/form-coupon.php styler/woocommerce/checkout/form-login.php styler/woocommerce/checkout/form-pay.php styler/woocommerce/checkout/form-shipping.php styler/woocommerce/checkout/payment.php styler/woocommerce/checkout/review-order.php styler/woocommerce/checkout/thankyou.php styler/woocommerce/content-product-cat.php styler/woocommerce/content-product.php styler/woocommerce/content-single-product.php styler/woocommerce/content-widget-product.php styler-child/woocommerce/emails/customer-completed-order.php styler/woocommerce/global/form-login.php styler/woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php styler/woocommerce/loop/add-to-cart.php styler/woocommerce/loop/loop-end.php styler/woocommerce/loop/loop-start.php styler/woocommerce/loop/no-products-found.php styler/woocommerce/loop/orderby.php styler/woocommerce/loop/pagination.php styler/woocommerce/loop/price.php styler/woocommerce/loop/rating.php styler/woocommerce/loop/result-count.php styler/woocommerce/loop/sale-flash.php styler/woocommerce/myaccount/form-edit-account.php styler/woocommerce/myaccount/form-edit-address.php styler/woocommerce/myaccount/form-login.php styler/woocommerce/myaccount/form-lost-password.php styler/woocommerce/myaccount/form-reset-password.php styler/woocommerce/myaccount/lost-password-confirmation.php styler/woocommerce/myaccount/my-account.php styler/woocommerce/myaccount/my-address.php styler/woocommerce/myaccount/navigation.php styler/woocommerce/notices/error.php styler/woocommerce/notices/notice.php styler/woocommerce/notices/success.php styler/woocommerce/order/form-tracking.php styler/woocommerce/order/order-again.php styler/woocommerce/order/order-details-customer.php styler/woocommerce/order/order-details-item.php styler/woocommerce/order/order-details.php styler/woocommerce/order/order-downloads.php styler/woocommerce/order/tracking.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/external.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/grouped.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/simple.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/variation-add-to-cart-button.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/meta.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/price.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/product-attributes.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/rating.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/related.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/review-meta.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/review-rating.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/review.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/sale-flash.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/share.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/short-description.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/stock.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/additional-information.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/description.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/title.php styler/woocommerce/single-product/up-sells.php styler/woocommerce/single-product-reviews.php styler/woocommerce/single-product.php

WooCommerce PayPal Payments

Onboarded: ✔ Shop country code: ES WooCommerce currency supported: ✔ Advanced Card Processing available in country: ✔ Pay Later messaging available in country: ✔ Webhook status: – Vault enabled: ✔ Logging enabled: – Reference Transactions: – Used PayPal Checkout plugin: – Tracking enabled: ✔


Enabled Features: activity-panels analytics product-block-editor coupons customer-effort-score-tracks import-products-task experimental-fashion-sample-products shipping-smart-defaults shipping-setting-tour homescreen marketing mobile-app-banner navigation onboarding onboarding-tasks remote-inbox-notifications remote-free-extensions payment-gateway-suggestions shipping-label-banner subscriptions store-alerts transient-notices woo-mobile-welcome wc-pay-promotion wc-pay-welcome-page

Disabled Features: core-profiler minified-js new-product-management-experience product-variation-management settings async-product-editor-category-field

Daily Cron: ✔ Next scheduled: 2023-06-28 15:58:25 +01:00 Options: ✔ Notes: 107 Onboarding: completed

Action Scheduler

Cancelada: 1 Oldest: 2023-05-31 17:42:38 +0000 Newest: 2023-05-31 17:42:38 +0000

Completo: 16.162 Oldest: 2023-05-28 08:47:06 +0000 Newest: 2023-06-28 08:39:22 +0000

Fallida: 2.698 Oldest: 2022-11-30 16:22:13 +0000 Newest: 2023-06-28 08:41:42 +0000

Pendiente: 8 Oldest: 2023-06-28 08:44:22 +0000 Newest: 2023-07-03 15:02:30 +0000

Status report information

Generated at: 2023-06-28 09:43:03 +01:00 `

budzanowski commented 1 year ago

Hola, lamento que estés experimentando problemas con la sincronización del catálogo. Si crees que el problema es causado por el tema y la plantilla, ¿has probado si esto funciona con el tema Storefront más reciente?

Lamentablemente, no proporcionamos soporte en español :) Para tu información: Este mensaje fue traducido por herramientas en línea desde inglés - espero que tenga sentido.

budzanowski commented 1 year ago

Needs feedback label is for the requestor. In case the answer will not come soon we can close this.

budzanowski commented 1 year ago

Closing as no response has been provided.