woocommerce / facebook-for-woocommerce

A first-party extension plugin built for WooCommerce. Development is managed by Ventures.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Products not syncing - duplicate products showing with incorrect pricing #388

Closed MelD78 closed 4 years ago

MelD78 commented 6 years ago

I have some issues with the plugin

It's not syncing properly and it's also creating duplicate products in the shop with incorrect pricing. I have updated to version 1.8.4 this morning as instructed, forced product resync and deleted the settings so restarting the process. I shall advise if the issue continues once the products are fetched and uploaded to the store.


Lovelychoses commented 6 years ago


I have the same problem as well.Sometimes I have 4 time the same product with incorrect prices.

sammul commented 6 years ago

@dmitridr Seems @MelD78 followed your suggestions but it's still not working. Original discussion here: #380

Also currently there are couple similar reports: #396 #389

dmitridr commented 6 years ago

Hello again,

@MelD78 Thanks for creating a new issue, helps us organize.

Could you link to a product on your site that has this problem? Linking to it in the shop will also work. Could you also provide a screenshot of the price settings for the product, and if there is anything unique about the product (for example, is it some custom type?) we would like to know that as well.

@Lovelychoses I'd like to ask you the same request as above as well. It will help us try and get to the bottom of the cause here.

The prices can definitely be off for bookable products, we have had issues like this in the past, because these types have dynamic pricing based on time-ranges (not supported by FB).

Thanks all, for your patience.

dmitridr commented 6 years ago

For the issue of 'not syncing properly' could you elaborate more? Are there more problems beyond the price/duplication stuff?

MelD78 commented 6 years ago

here is the link to the product on my website, it's a regular product, nothing custom, no variants: https://embalmskincare.com.au/products/uplifting-cleanser

This is the link to the product in my Facebook shop with correct price: https://www.facebook.com/commerce/products/1674478889279978/

This is the link of the duplicate product with incorrect price https://www.facebook.com/commerce/products/1704850302927820/

Regarding your question: "For the issue of 'not syncing properly' could you elaborate more? Are there more problems beyond the price/duplication stuff?"

No, that's the only issue at present. Looks like there is only one duplicate product at the moment but the majority of prices of the product in the Facebook shop are incorrect.

Screenshot of price settings attached. price settings

When I look at the products on the backend, the majority says "not synced" even though I set it up a few days ago.

MelD78 commented 6 years ago

Hi @dmitridr & @mengyingdu

Just wanted to check in to see if you guys are working on fixing this bug or when you expect this issue to be resolved?

Thank you!

MelD78 commented 6 years ago

So, the latest plugin update fixed the issue of the duplicate products, however the majority of product prices in my Facebook shop is completely incorrect.

Do you have a solution for this at all @dmitridr or @mengyingdu ?

MelD78 commented 6 years ago

Here is a screenshot of my Facebook shop. The lip balm for example should be $9.95 but shows as $55


mengyingdu commented 6 years ago

Hi @MelD78 ,

Sorry for the delay response, I'm looking at this issue now. Thanks.

mengyingdu commented 6 years ago

Hi @MelD78 ,

It seems you are using a currency converter, is it a plugin? We don't support multi-currency products. I checked the product 'uplifting cleanser' which is $39.95 on your site however, $55 on Facebook. This is because we will sync with the default currency in your woocommerce store, and fetch raw price with the default currency. Eg. AUD 55 (after tax) ~~ USD $39.95 (before tax)

If it's possible, can you only use one currency?


MelD78 commented 6 years ago

Hi @mengyingdu

Wow, I'm so glad I finally know what's causing the issue. Let me disable the plugin and do a re-sync. Once the products are synced in the facebook shop, I'll let you know if it worked. Thank you!

MelD78 commented 6 years ago

Hi @mengyingdu,

Unfortunately, no luck. At least with the two plugins I thought were related the the multi-currency.

Here is a screenshot of all the plugins I have active. Are you able to take a look at advise which others I could cause the issue?

plugins 1 plugins 2 plugins 3 plugins 4 plugins 5

MelD78 commented 6 years ago

@mengyingdu & @dmitridr

Just deleted the settings within the facebook for woocommerce plugin again and also re-done the same things over and over again but the prices show still as incorrect.

MelD78 commented 6 years ago

I should also add that the products don't seem to be syncing, well, they do show with incorrect prices in my Facebook shop but in the back end of my website, the majority of products say "not synced"

mengyingdu commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, I can't repo your issue. And I have checked our log but haven't found potential hints for your issues. Would you mind find your local log and paste here? @MelD78

lgfogle commented 4 years ago

Hey there! 👋

Lindsey here, from the SkyVerge product team! We recently took over development and support for the Facebook for WooCommerce extension.

In our recent 1.10 releases, we've fixed many issues impacting the store connection, pixel tracking, and product sync. Could you please update to the latest version of Facebook for WooCommerce and see if that resolves this issue?

If not, could you please contact our support team or open a new issue here? We'd be happy to help troubleshoot further with you.

Thank you!