[x] Have you checked to ensure there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
Changes proposed in this Pull Request:
When generating customers via WP-CLI the plugin incorrectly states that coupons are being generated before the progress bar.
This PR fixes the text feedback for the progress bar.
How to test the changes in this Pull Request:
Run wp-cli command wp wc generate customers 1
Check the feedback given on screen
Changelog entry
Fixes progress bar feedback when generating customers via WP-CLI
[ ] I have reviewed that everything is sanitized/escaped appropriately for any SQL or XSS injection possibilities. I made sure Linting is not ignored or disabled.
All Submissions:
Changes proposed in this Pull Request:
When generating customers via WP-CLI the plugin incorrectly states that coupons are being generated before the progress bar.
This PR fixes the text feedback for the progress bar.
How to test the changes in this Pull Request:
wp wc generate customers 1
Changelog entry
Fixes progress bar feedback when generating customers via WP-CLI