woocommerce / woocommerce-gateway-stripe

The official Stripe Payment Gateway for WooCommerce
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Double Notes & Double Emails #2463

Closed DaniyarIsmailov closed 1 month ago

DaniyarIsmailov commented 1 year ago

Dear team,

Duplicating the topic from the plugin support thread https://wordpress.org/support/topic/double-notes-double-emails/

What happened

I and my customer get two emails after my customer makes a payment through Stripe.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. New checkout experience is enabled.
  2. The order notes shows two status changes https://snipboard.io/hC3VXu.jpg
  3. The plugin for order autoconfirmation is enabled.
  4. In the test mode the issue is not observed

Please find the WooCommerce logs:


### WordPress Environment ### WordPress address (URL): https://onesim.co Site address (URL): https://onesim.co WC Version: 7.0.0 REST API Version: ✔ 7.0.0 WC Blocks Version: ✔ 8.5.1 Action Scheduler Version: ✔ 3.5.2 Log Directory Writable: ✔ WP Version: 6.0.3 WP Multisite: – WP Memory Limit: 512 MB WP Debug Mode: – WP Cron: ✔ Language: en_US External object cache: – ### Server Environment ### Server Info: Apache PHP Version: 7.4.32 PHP Post Max Size: 64 MB PHP Time Limit: 180 PHP Max Input Vars: 10000 cURL Version: 7.68.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1f SUHOSIN Installed: – MySQL Version: 5.5.5-10.3.34-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 Max Upload Size: 64 MB Default Timezone is UTC: ✔ fsockopen/cURL: ✔ SoapClient: ✔ DOMDocument: ✔ GZip: ✔ Multibyte String: ✔ Remote Post: ✔ Remote Get: ✔ ### Database ### WC Database Version: 7.0.0 WC Database Prefix: dGz55Htl9_ Total Database Size: 104.54MB Database Data Size: 93.25MB Database Index Size: 11.29MB dGz55Htl9_woocommerce_sessions: Data: 0.06MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woocommerce_api_keys: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woocommerce_order_items: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woocommerce_tax_rates: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woocommerce_shipping_zones: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woocommerce_payment_tokens: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woocommerce_log: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_actionscheduler_actions: Data: 1.02MB + Index: 0.56MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_actionscheduler_claims: Data: 0.13MB + Index: 0.08MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_actionscheduler_groups: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_actionscheduler_logs: Data: 1.02MB + Index: 0.28MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_betterdocs_search_keyword: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_betterdocs_search_log: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_commentmeta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_comments: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.09MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_ewwwio_images: Data: 0.09MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_ewwwio_queue: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_e_events: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_gla_budget_recommendations: Data: 0.22MB + Index: 0.14MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_gla_merchant_issues: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_gla_shipping_rates: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_gla_shipping_times: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_content_status: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_core_status: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_flags: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_languages: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_languages_translations: Data: 0.20MB + Index: 0.17MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_locale_map: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_message_status: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_mo_files_domains: Data: 0.09MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_node: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_reminders: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_strings: Data: 1.50MB + Index: 1.22MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_string_batches: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_string_packages: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_string_positions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_string_status: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_string_translations: Data: 1.52MB + Index: 0.42MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_translate: Data: 5.39MB + Index: 0.11MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_translate_job: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_translations: Data: 0.25MB + Index: 0.61MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_translation_batches: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_translation_downloads: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_icl_translation_status: Data: 3.28MB + Index: 0.08MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_links: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_options: Data: 7.36MB + Index: 0.23MB + Engine InnoDB 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dGz55Htl9_revslider_static_slides_bkp: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_termmeta: Data: 0.05MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_terms: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_term_relationships: Data: 0.09MB + Index: 0.05MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_term_taxonomy: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_usermeta: Data: 0.05MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_users: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.05MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_admin_notes: Data: 0.06MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_admin_note_actions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_category_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_customer_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_download_log: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_fs_licensed_products: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_fs_license_key_meta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_fs_product_licenses_keys: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_fs_product_licenses_keys_generator_rules: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_fs_queue: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_order_coupon_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_order_product_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_order_stats: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.05MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_order_tax_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_product_attributes_lookup: Data: 0.05MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_product_download_directories: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_product_meta_lookup: Data: 0.11MB + Index: 0.13MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_rate_limits: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_reserved_stock: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_tax_rate_classes: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wc_webhooks: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woodmart_wishlists: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_woodmart_wishlist_products: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wpml_mails: Data: 1.52MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wpr_rocket_cache: Data: 0.09MB + Index: 0.13MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_wpr_rucss_used_css: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.09MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_yoast_indexable: Data: 1.28MB + Index: 0.48MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_yoast_indexable_hierarchy: Data: 0.08MB + Index: 0.08MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_yoast_migrations: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_yoast_primary_term: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB dGz55Htl9_yoast_seo_links: Data: 1.28MB + Index: 0.47MB + Engine InnoDB ### Post Type Counts ### attachment: 2531 cms_block: 26 docs: 5 elementor_library: 14 nav_menu_item: 68 page: 44 post: 10 product: 132 product_variation: 360 revision: 200 shop_order: 17 shop_order_refund: 1 woodmart_layout: 12 woodmart_sidebar: 1 woodmart_size_guide: 1 woodmart_slide: 3 wp_global_styles: 3 wpcf7_contact_form: 2 ### Security ### Secure connection (HTTPS): ✔ Hide errors from visitors: ✔ ### Active Plugins (30) ### WPML Multilingual CMS: by OnTheGoSystems – 4.5.11 WPML SEO: by OnTheGoSystems – 2.1.0 FS License Manager: by Firas Saidi – 5.0.3 Akismet Anti-Spam: by Automattic – 5.0.1 Better Search Replace: by Delicious Brains – 1.4.1 Contact Form 7: by Takayuki Miyoshi – 5.6.4 Cyr-To-Lat: by Sergey Biryukov Mikhail Kobzarev Igor Gergel – 5.3.0 Default Attributes for WooCommerce: by Condless – 1.1.2 Elementor: by Elementor.com – 3.7.8 EWWW Image Optimizer: by Exactly WWW – 6.9.1 Facebook for WooCommerce: by Facebook – 2.6.27 Hotjar: by Hotjar – 1.0.14 Limit Login Attempts Reloaded: by Limit Login Attempts Reloaded – 2.25.8 Order Status Control for WooCommerce: by Bright Plugins – 1.0.1 Permalink Manager for WooCommerce: by BeRocket – Safe SVG: by 10up – 2.0.3 Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce: by ThemeHigh – 1.7.2 Preview E-mails for WooCommerce: by Digamber Pradhan – 2.1.1 WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: by WooCommerce – 6.9.0 WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration: by WooCommerce – 1.5.15 WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency: by OnTheGoSystems – 5.0.2 WooCommerce: by Automattic – 7.0.0 Woodmart Core: by – 1.0.35 Yoast SEO: by Team Yoast – 19.8 WP Crontrol: by John Blackbourn & crontributors – 1.14.0 WP Mail Logging: by Wysija – 1.10.4 WP Rocket: by WP Media – 3.12.2 WPML Media: by OnTheGoSystems – 2.7.1 WPML String Translation: by OnTheGoSystems – 3.2.2 Yoast SEO: WooCommerce: by Team Yoast – 15.2 ### Inactive Plugins (8) ### Autocomplete WooCommerce Orders: by QuadLayers – 1.6.0 BetterDocs: by WPDeveloper – 2.1.6 FiboSearch - AJAX Search for WooCommerce: by FiboSearch Team – 1.20.0 Google Listings and Ads: by WooCommerce – 2.2.0 Query Monitor: by John Blackbourn – 3.10.1 Regenerate Thumbnails: by Alex Mills (Viper007Bond) – 3.1.5 WooCommerce Order Test - WP Fix It: by WP Fix It – 2.1 WP Super Cache: by Automattic – 1.9 ### Dropin Plugins (2) ### advanced-cache.php: advanced-cache.php maintenance.php: maintenance.php ### Must Use Plugins (1) ### Elementor Safe Mode: by Elementor.com – 1.0.0 ### Settings ### API Enabled: – Force SSL: – Currency: USD ($) Currency Position: left Thousand Separator: , Decimal Separator: . Number of Decimals: 2 Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external) grouped (grouped) simple (simple) subscription (subscription) variable (variable) variable subscription (variable-subscription) Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog) exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search) featured (featured) outofstock (outofstock) rated-1 (rated-1) rated-2 (rated-2) rated-3 (rated-3) rated-4 (rated-4) rated-5 (rated-5) Connected to WooCommerce.com: – Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: ✔ ### WC Pages ### Shop base: #6 - /shop/ Cart: #7 - /cart/ Checkout: #8 - /checkout/ My account: #9 - /my-account/ Terms and conditions: #518 - /terms-and-conditions/ ### Theme ### Name: Woodmart Child Version: 1.0.0 Author URL: http://xtemos.com Child Theme: ✔ Parent Theme Name: Woodmart Parent Theme Version: 7.0.3 Parent Theme Author URL: http://themeforest.net/user/xtemos WooCommerce Support: ✔ ### Templates ### Overrides: woodmart/woocommerce/archive-product.php woodmart/woocommerce/cart/cart-item-data.php woodmart/woocommerce/cart/cart.php woodmart/woocommerce/cart/cross-sells.php woodmart/woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php woodmart/woocommerce/checkout/form-checkout.php woodmart/woocommerce/checkout/thankyou.php woodmart/woocommerce/content-product-cat.php woodmart/woocommerce/content-product.php woodmart/woocommerce/content-single-product.php woodmart/woocommerce/content-widget-product.php woodmart-child/woocommerce/emails/customer-completed-order.php woodmart-child/woocommerce/emails/email-customer-details.php woodmart-child/woocommerce/emails/email-header.php woodmart-child/woocommerce/emails/email-order-details.php woodmart-child/woocommerce/emails/email-order-items.php woodmart-child/woocommerce/emails/email-styles.php woodmart/woocommerce/global/breadcrumb.php woodmart/woocommerce/global/form-login.php woodmart/woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php woodmart/woocommerce/loop/add-to-cart.php woodmart/woocommerce/loop/loop-end.php woodmart/woocommerce/loop/loop-start.php woodmart/woocommerce/loop/no-products-found.php woodmart/woocommerce/loop/orderby.php woodmart/woocommerce/loop/pagination.php woodmart/woocommerce/loop/sale-flash.php woodmart/woocommerce/myaccount/form-login.php woodmart/woocommerce/product-searchform.php woodmart/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/grouped.php woodmart/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php woodmart/woocommerce/single-product/meta.php woodmart/woocommerce/single-product/product-attributes.php woodmart/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php woodmart/woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php woodmart/woocommerce/single-product/rating.php woodmart/woocommerce/single-product/related.php woodmart/woocommerce/single-product/sale-flash.php woodmart/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/description.php woodmart/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php woodmart/woocommerce/single-product/title.php woodmart/woocommerce/single-product/up-sells.php woodmart/woocommerce/single-product.php ### Admin ### Enabled Features: activity-panels analytics coupons customer-effort-score-tracks experimental-products-task experimental-import-products-task experimental-fashion-sample-products experimental-product-tour shipping-smart-defaults shipping-setting-tour homescreen marketing multichannel-marketing mobile-app-banner navigation onboarding onboarding-tasks remote-inbox-notifications remote-free-extensions payment-gateway-suggestions shipping-label-banner subscriptions store-alerts transient-notices woo-mobile-welcome wc-pay-promotion wc-pay-welcome-page Disabled Features: minified-js new-product-management-experience settings Daily Cron: ✔ Next scheduled: 2022-10-25 08:30:30 +06:00 Options: ✔ Notes: 42 Onboarding: completed ### Action Scheduler ### Complete: 1,536 Oldest: 2022-09-23 13:44:03 +0000 Newest: 2022-10-24 08:53:17 +0000 Failed: 3 Oldest: 2022-08-13 09:49:35 +0000 Newest: 2022-08-13 09:49:43 +0000 Pending: 4 Oldest: 2022-10-24 08:54:17 +0000 Newest: 2022-10-25 08:45:21 +0000 ### Status report information ### Generated at: 2022-10-24 14:53:20 +06:00

Stripe log:


2022-10-23T00:51:19+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents request: Array ( [amount] => 2990 [currency] => usd [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card [1] => link ) [capture_method] => automatic ) ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T01:06:36+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T03:22:06+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T05:17:49+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents request: Array ( [amount] => 2990 [currency] => usd [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card [1] => link ) [capture_method] => automatic ) ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T05:46:52+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T05:46:52+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T05:46:52+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T05:46:52+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T05:46:53+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T05:46:53+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T05:46:53+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T05:46:53+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T05:46:54+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T07:46:59+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T09:47:02+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T11:54:27+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T14:13:17+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T15:50:46+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents request: Array ( [amount] => 1090 [currency] => eur [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card [1] => giropay [2] => eps [3] => bancontact [4] => ideal [5] => sepa_debit [6] => p24 [7] => sofort ) [capture_method] => automatic ) ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T15:52:39+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== customers request: Array ( [email] => xxx@gmail.com [description] => Name: Milovan , Guest [name] => Milovan [metadata] => Array ( ) [preferred_locales] => Array ( [0] => en-US ) ) ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T15:52:39+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents/pi_3Lw6RmKZnjS62huK0KeiKmtK request: Array ( [amount] => 1090 [currency] => EUR [statement_descriptor] => ONESIM* #13879 [description] => Onesim - Order 13879 [customer] => cus_MfRMHcc5konS1u [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card [1] => link ) [metadata] => Array ( [customer_name] => Milovan [customer_email] => xxx@gmail.com [site_url] => https://onesim.co [order_id] => 13879 [order_key] => wc_order_moVker09FdaX8 [payment_type] => single ) ) ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T15:52:46+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== Stripe PaymentIntent pi_3Lw6RmKZnjS62huK0KeiKmtK succeeded for order 13879 ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T15:52:46+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== Processing response: stdClass Object ( [id] => ch_3Lw6RmKZnjS62huK07OaUOjb [object] => charge [amount] => 1090 [amount_captured] => 1090 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3Lw6RmKZnjS62huK0VFTkj4P [billing_details] => stdClass Object ( [address] => stdClass Object ( [city] => - [country] => ME [line1] => - [line2] => - [postal_code] => - [state] => - ) [email] => xxx@gmail.com [name] => Milovan undefined [phone] => - ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => ONESIM* #13879 [captured] => 1 [created] => 1666540361 [currency] => eur [customer] => cus_MfRMHcc5konS1u [description] => Onesim - Order 13879 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => stdClass Object ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => 1 [metadata] => stdClass Object ( [order_key] => wc_order_moVker09FdaX8 [site_url] => https://onesim.co [order_id] => 13879 [customer_email] => xxx@gmail.com [payment_type] => single [customer_name] => Milovan ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => stdClass Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3Lw6RmKZnjS62huK0KeiKmtK [payment_method] => pm_1Lw6TcKZnjS62huKMQOJVZOZ [payment_method_details] => stdClass Object ( [card] => stdClass Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => stdClass Object ( [address_line1_check] => unavailable [address_postal_code_check] => unavailable [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => ME [exp_month] => 8 [exp_year] => 2025 [fingerprint] => adYpSCtwmQ7FAMZO [funding] => prepaid [installments] => [last4] => 6993 [mandate] => [network] => visa [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => https://pay.stripe.com/receipts/payment/CAcQARoXChVhY2N0XzFMa1VnU0tabmpTNjJodUsoy8bVmgYyBh5R3ts2wzosFsAHpBXuXhvrYhORRgTrIrejC5R-0HPcop_qNr0c4cKka-3BdVstLMNtt5s [refunded] => [refunds] => stdClass Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3Lw6RmKZnjS62huK07OaUOjb/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => ONESIM* #13879 [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T15:52:46+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== balance/history/txn_3Lw6RmKZnjS62huK0VFTkj4P ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T15:52:46+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== Begin processing UPE redirect payment for order 13879 for the amount of 10.90 ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T15:52:46+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents/pi_3Lw6RmKZnjS62huK0KeiKmtK?expand[]=payment_method ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T15:52:46+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== Could not find order via charge ID: ch_3Lw6RmKZnjS62huK07OaUOjb ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T15:52:47+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== Processing response: stdClass Object ( [id] => ch_3Lw6RmKZnjS62huK07OaUOjb [object] => charge [amount] => 1090 [amount_captured] => 1090 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3Lw6RmKZnjS62huK0VFTkj4P [billing_details] => stdClass Object ( [address] => stdClass Object ( [city] => - [country] => ME [line1] => - [line2] => - [postal_code] => - [state] => - ) [email] => xxx@gmail.com [name] => Milovan undefined [phone] => - ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => ONESIM* #13879 [captured] => 1 [created] => 1666540361 [currency] => eur [customer] => cus_MfRMHcc5konS1u [description] => Onesim - Order 13879 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => stdClass Object ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => 1 [metadata] => stdClass Object ( [customer_email] => xxx@gmail.com [customer_name] => Milovan [order_id] => 13879 [order_key] => wc_order_moVker09FdaX8 [payment_type] => single [site_url] => https://onesim.co ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => stdClass Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3Lw6RmKZnjS62huK0KeiKmtK [payment_method] => pm_1Lw6TcKZnjS62huKMQOJVZOZ [payment_method_details] => stdClass Object ( [card] => stdClass Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => stdClass Object ( [address_line1_check] => unavailable [address_postal_code_check] => unavailable [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => ME [exp_month] => 8 [exp_year] => 2025 [fingerprint] => adYpSCtwmQ7FAMZO [funding] => prepaid [installments] => [last4] => 6993 [mandate] => [network] => visa [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => https://pay.stripe.com/receipts/payment/CAcQARoXChVhY2N0XzFMa1VnU0tabmpTNjJodUsozsbVmgYyBog9kE82ezosFjQd5HmZNLbJXQFtQZt1LOT3muJhXNhXln0do0-VO04lc0JwDMF5bRd-qOg [refunded] => [refunds] => stdClass Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3Lw6RmKZnjS62huK07OaUOjb/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => ONESIM* #13879 [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T15:52:47+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== balance/history/txn_3Lw6RmKZnjS62huK0VFTkj4P ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T16:21:02+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T16:21:02+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T16:21:02+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T16:21:03+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T16:21:03+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T16:21:04+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T16:21:05+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T16:21:05+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T16:21:06+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T18:22:01+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T18:34:28+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents request: Array ( [amount] => 1590 [currency] => usd [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card [1] => link ) [capture_method] => automatic ) ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T18:36:25+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== customers request: Array ( [email] => xxx@gmail.com [description] => Name: Igori , Guest [name] => Igori [metadata] => Array ( ) [preferred_locales] => Array ( [0] => en-US ) ) ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T18:36:25+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents/pi_3Lw90DKZnjS62huK1Jgv07or request: Array ( [amount] => 1590 [currency] => USD [statement_descriptor] => ONESIM* #13880 [description] => Onesim - Order 13880 [customer] => cus_MfU075Jfaf1hVA [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card [1] => link ) [metadata] => Array ( [customer_name] => Igori [customer_email] => xxx@gmail.com [site_url] => https://onesim.co [order_id] => 13880 [order_key] => wc_order_s8HPfLEV1vrYk [payment_type] => single ) ) ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T18:36:31+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== Begin processing UPE redirect payment for order 13880 for the amount of 15.90 ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T18:36:31+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== payment_intents/pi_3Lw90DKZnjS62huK1Jgv07or?expand[]=payment_method ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T18:36:31+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== Stripe PaymentIntent pi_3Lw90DKZnjS62huK1Jgv07or succeeded for order 13880 ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T18:36:31+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== Processing response: stdClass Object ( [id] => ch_3Lw90DKZnjS62huK1ANjUbAq [object] => charge [amount] => 1590 [amount_captured] => 1590 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3Lw90DKZnjS62huK1JOIIMXw [billing_details] => stdClass Object ( [address] => stdClass Object ( [city] => - [country] => MD [line1] => - [line2] => - [postal_code] => - [state] => - ) [email] => xxx@gmail.com [name] => Igori undefined [phone] => - ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => ONESIM* #13880 [captured] => 1 [created] => 1666550187 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_MfU075Jfaf1hVA [description] => Onesim - Order 13880 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => stdClass Object ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => 1 [metadata] => stdClass Object ( [order_key] => wc_order_s8HPfLEV1vrYk [site_url] => https://onesim.co [order_id] => 13880 [payment_type] => single [customer_email] => xxx@gmail.com [customer_name] => Igori ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => stdClass Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3Lw90DKZnjS62huK1Jgv07or [payment_method] => pm_1Lw926KZnjS62huKSWd6dJH8 [payment_method_details] => stdClass Object ( [card] => stdClass Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => stdClass Object ( [address_line1_check] => unavailable [address_postal_code_check] => unavailable [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 5 [exp_year] => 2027 [fingerprint] => VfgCNLdBckAhVmow [funding] => credit [installments] => [last4] => 4754 [mandate] => [network] => visa [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => https://pay.stripe.com/receipts/payment/CAcQARoXChVhY2N0XzFMa1VnU0tabmpTNjJodUsorJPWmgYyBhMLK6_eFzosFhqXKeewv9oltIgfu_UcukNtRRCB5m1HFK5gBvJ55lDdAyRs69swM2E2GIg [refunded] => [refunds] => stdClass Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3Lw90DKZnjS62huK1ANjUbAq/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => ONESIM* #13880 [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T18:36:31+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== balance/history/txn_3Lw90DKZnjS62huK1JOIIMXw ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T18:36:31+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== Could not find order via charge ID: ch_3Lw90DKZnjS62huK1ANjUbAq ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T18:36:31+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== Processing response: stdClass Object ( [id] => ch_3Lw90DKZnjS62huK1ANjUbAq [object] => charge [amount] => 1590 [amount_captured] => 1590 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3Lw90DKZnjS62huK1JOIIMXw [billing_details] => stdClass Object ( [address] => stdClass Object ( [city] => - [country] => MD [line1] => - [line2] => - [postal_code] => - [state] => - ) [email] => xxx@gmail.com [name] => Igori undefined [phone] => - ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => ONESIM* #13880 [captured] => 1 [created] => 1666550187 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_MfU075Jfaf1hVA [description] => Onesim - Order 13880 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => stdClass Object ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => 1 [metadata] => stdClass Object ( [customer_email] => xxx@gmail.com [customer_name] => Igori [order_id] => 13880 [order_key] => wc_order_s8HPfLEV1vrYk [payment_type] => single [site_url] => https://onesim.co ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => stdClass Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3Lw90DKZnjS62huK1Jgv07or [payment_method] => pm_1Lw926KZnjS62huKSWd6dJH8 [payment_method_details] => stdClass Object ( [card] => stdClass Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => stdClass Object ( [address_line1_check] => unavailable [address_postal_code_check] => unavailable [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 5 [exp_year] => 2027 [fingerprint] => VfgCNLdBckAhVmow [funding] => credit [installments] => [last4] => 4754 [mandate] => [network] => visa [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => https://pay.stripe.com/receipts/payment/CAcQARoXChVhY2N0XzFMa1VnU0tabmpTNjJodUsor5PWmgYyBhGGGp6b1zosFhRyMrIIe6NMEGT-rttNi1JxYNJ_Se6DN-b0rYtD448KvJfhfBj8kL6FObw [refunded] => [refunds] => stdClass Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3Lw90DKZnjS62huK1ANjUbAq/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => ONESIM* #13880 [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T18:36:31+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== balance/history/txn_3Lw90DKZnjS62huK1JOIIMXw ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T20:23:51+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log==== 2022-10-23T22:28:10+00:00 DEBUG ====Stripe Version: 6.9.0==== ====Start Log==== account ====End Log====

Hans9985 commented 1 month ago

For me, the issue is there also when I am using the test mode/test keys in stripe plugin.

livingperson commented 1 month ago

So we've been sent to #3300, and #2331, and here, #2463 (and probably other places!), from the Wordpress forums when expressing our disappointment over this double-email issue, which many users have experienced now for the past 2 years. @diegocurbelo just closed #2331 and sent us to #3333, but #3333 doesn't seem to specifically refer to this issue as specifically as is mentioned here?

Who is actually working on this? It seems as though it has been ignored for 2 years, and there's a circle of new Github issues leading everyone in confusion, and ultimately, the issue is ignored.

I have angry clients that I've been trying to console for weeks now about this. To stop the double-email issue, we turned on the Legacy Checkout option, which subtly broke the checkout system, and my client lost many orders. Understandably, they are very annoyed with me, and I have run out of patience.

This issue is lodged here:


and here:


and here:


and here:


and here:


and here:


and here, although they also sometimes experienced double payments, which is more concerning:


and here:


and here from 2 years ago, specifically pointing to the plugin update where this issue started (version 5.9.0). Seems like this fell on deaf ears:


and here:


and here:


and here:


and here:


and here, with another mention to this issue beginning in 5.9.0:


and here:


and here:


...just to name a small selection from the past 2+ years, and yet it is still ignored? Why should we continue to use this plugin and payment system if this is the kind of support that is given?

Hans9985 commented 1 month ago

Great summary @livingperson

Can anyone recommend if there are other Stripe plugins that works better?

thisissandip commented 1 month ago


imodouglas commented 1 month ago


iftiitsme commented 1 month ago

Same issue- just disabled WOOPAYMENTS (mare!) and although this one is working - I noticed the multiple emails issue. Thanks fully no multiple charges. Be great to have an update on the solution.

Speckytoe commented 1 month ago

Same issue .... Woocommerce using Stipe and having double notes and double emails. Using the temporary fix by going back to "Enable the legacy checkout experience" Please let me know when there is a true fix.

kmindi commented 1 month ago

The implemented fix will most probably come with the upcoming 8.6.0 release ;) (as it was added to that part of the changelog in the mentioned pull request.

a-danae commented 1 month ago

Hey everyone! 👋

Update over here. Would you please give the latest version a go? It's 8.6.1.

It was released twelve hours ago and it includes a fix for this issue.

Please let us know if you notice anything off after the update. Thanks again for your patience and the details you provided. We'll be around.

Hans9985 commented 1 month ago

Works fine for me. Only tested it in test-mode as my site is in development.

No duplicate emails, no double reduction of stock.

Great work, thank you!

tjurkiewicz-warrrl commented 1 month ago

Hi @a-danae, we won't be testing the new checkout experience on prod just yet. @livingperson previously indicated that switching BACK to legacy checkout resulted in an issue causing interruption to regular orders. However I can confirm that WooCommerce Stripe Gateway was updated on the weekend to 8.6.1 on prod and we are still seeing successful Stripe payments come through, with no reported issues. We are still using the legacy checkout option. Thanks @livingperson for the good writeup.

arebstar1 commented 1 month ago

I updated to the latest version 8.6.1 and with the new checkout experience and the update stopped the duplicate order processing emails. Looks fixed! Amazing!

mkalina commented 1 month ago

8.6.1, new checkout experience, duplicate order and processing emails are still there. Also, stock is changed twice, which is especially weird as I now have items with a stock of -1!

Mayisha commented 1 month ago

Hi @mkalina

8.6.1, new checkout experience, duplicate order and processing emails are still there. Also, stock is changed twice, which is especially weird as I now have items with a stock of -1!

Could you please share some more information about the affected orders to help us debug?

  1. How many orders are affected after updating to 8.6.1?
  2. Which payment methods were used?
  3. A screenshot of one of the order notes.
  4. Logs related to the order for which you will be sharing the order notes. You can find the logs in WooCommerce > Status > Logs and share that day's logs for the Stripe gateway.
mkalina commented 1 month ago

Hi @Mayisha,

How many orders are affected after updating to 8.6.1?

Can't really tell as I did not log when exactly we updated to 8.6.1. However, it is not all orders, but some of them. I tried - even with real data and no test mode - to recreate an order. I got that email once and the stock was lowered by one. (In other words: I cannot recreate the issue.)

Which payment methods were used?

Credit Card payments every single time.

A screenshot of one of the order notes.

Here you go. (Note the stock, too!)


Logs related to the order for which you will be sharing the order notes. You can find the logs in WooCommerce > Status > Logs and share that day's logs for the Stripe gateway.

Unfortunately I did not have them active until I noticed the error. They are now and the moment I have an error or the duplicate email/status update/stock goes below 0-issue, I will upload it here!

OmarFPG commented 3 weeks ago

Also reported here: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/sepa-duplicate-payments-for-same-order/ 8631187-zen

I also tested this on one of my test sites with only WooCommerce, Stripe and Storefront, I can confirm the double emails for the customer. I got a single email for admin, and stock was reduced only once, though.

aurelio-r commented 2 weeks ago

I still get double Processing Order emails for customer and double New Order emails for admin. As for other users, the status is changed from pending to Processing twice. I am using stripe in Test mode and the following plug-in versions WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: 8.6.1 Stripe Payment Gateway for WooCommerce: 1.8.2 WooCommerce : 9.2.3

Any ideas?


Mayisha commented 1 week ago

@aurelio-r @OmarFPG could you please confirm what payment methods were used in your affected orders? It will help us debug the issue as we try to reproduce it.

aurelio-r commented 1 week ago

@aurelio-r @OmarFPG could you please confirm what payment methods were used in your affected orders? It will help us debug the issue as we try to reproduce it.

I used these Stripe's test payment methods: test credit cards and iDeal (redirects option) from https://docs.stripe.com/testing

ally-sellit commented 1 week ago

We started having this issue a few days ago after upgrading woocommerce-gateway-stripe 8.5.2 -> 8.6.1

We cannot reproduce in our staging environment (both with stripe in Live and Test mode)

We are also using woocommerce-subscriptions (6.6.0) and woocommerce-memberships (1.26.8)

Wordpress core 6.6.1

Woocommerce 9.2.3

We are seeing the duplicate notes stating a subscription is activated, and we see that our woocommerce subscription updated webhook is also firing twice. This causes race conditions in our pipeline, but doesn't seem to cause more than one charge on stripe

We noticed that subscriptions without a free trial period do not get the extra activation event.

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 3 45 28 PM

ally-sellit commented 1 week ago

We started having this issue a few days ago after upgrading woocommerce-gateway-stripe 8.5.2 -> 8.6.1

We cannot reproduce in our staging environment (both with stripe in Live and Test mode)

We are also using woocommerce-subscriptions (6.6.0) and woocommerce-memberships (1.26.8)

Wordpress core 6.6.1

Woocommerce 9.2.3

We are seeing the duplicate notes stating a subscription is activated, and we see that our woocommerce subscription updated webhook is also firing twice. This causes race conditions in our pipeline, but doesn't seem to cause more than one charge on stripe

We noticed that subscriptions without a free trial period do not get the extra activation event.

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 3 45 28 PM

Adding a note here that we noticed the same woocommerce membership has been assigned twice, with duplicate membership activity notes logged as well. (our setup is confusing because our base membership is for a product called membership)

Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 2 39 45 PM