woocommerce / woocommerce-ios

WooCommerce iOS app
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Fold WordPressAuthenticator into WooCommerce iOS #14329

Open mokagio opened 6 days ago

mokagio commented 6 days ago

WordPress iOS forked WordPressKit and WordPressAuthenticator folding them into its repo.

This means WooCommerce iOS is the only library consumer, within Automattic at least. We can therefore fold it into WooCommerce iOS to streamline the developer’s workflow. Changes to the auth components will no longer have to go through the current dependency dance; devs will be able to implement them all in the same repo.

This will also allow us to remove a great deal of code, including the WordPressKit dependency.

We could then keep WordPressAuthenticator online as a public archive and direct people interested into authenticating with WordPress to use OAuth instead. As for WordPressKit, we could simply archive that, too.

Following folding WordPressAuthenticator and WordPressKit, we should be able to do the same with WordPressShared which has been already forked into WordPress iOS.

Notice I'm a pedant and used the verbs "to fold" and "to fork". For this discussion, forking a library into an app repository means copying the library code into the app's repository and no longer interacting with the library repository. Folding the library involves the same steps, plus the archival of the library itself. When one forks, the library still exists (and other consumers can modify it as we've seen with WordPressAuthenticator since its was forked into WordPress iOS). When one folds, the library as a standalone project disappears.

dangermattic commented 6 days ago

🚫 Please add a type label (e.g. type: enhancement) and a feature label (e.g. feature: stats) to this issue.