woocommerce / woocommerce-paypal-payments

GNU General Public License v2.0
61 stars 47 forks source link

no Paying method #2359

Closed Summerrider69 closed 2 weeks ago

Summerrider69 commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the Bug

when doing a buy in our onlineShop Keramikmalspass.com there is an error by paying with paypal. image

To Reproduce

  1. Go to Our page

  2. Click on 'Wert' and choose 50€ (I think all others work , but this is, what i could reproduce)

  3. Click on (Zum Warenkorb hinzufügen) and go to cart after it.

  4. image

  5. Click at the paypalbutton to pay

  6. after finishing the paypal-Show you´ll land on the error page and see this error: image

i will try now the other payment way by clicking the button under the paypal-button in step 5.

so intresting result: following the other Link (Weiter zum bezahlen) the is a paypal express button on top of the page . The errror will be the same

But: if you fill our all data and use the paypal-Method (weiter zu paypal)

it is working like it should!

I don´t change the settings now, but would be happy, if somebody writes me, that i can deactivate the button now. for now i will create a message for customers.


Additional Details



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wp-dropins (2)

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wp-themes-inactive (4)

Blank Canvas: version: 1.0.11, author: Automattic, Updates werden von WordPress.com verwaltet Blockbase: version: 3.1.17, author: Automattic, Updates werden von WordPress.com verwaltet Storefront: version: 4.6.0, author: Automattic, Updates werden von WordPress.com verwaltet Zoologist: version: 1.0.44, author: Automattic, Updates werden von WordPress.com verwaltet

wp-mu-plugins (1)

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wp-plugins-active (48)

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Taxes: version: 1.1.1, author: LatePoint, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert Layout Grid: version: 1.8.4, author: Automattic, Updates werden von WordPress.com verwaltet Loco Translate: version: 2.6.10, author: Tim Whitlock, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert Newsletter, SMTP, Email marketing and Subscribe forms by Brevo: version: 3.1.81, author: Brevo, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert Order Export & Order Import for WooCommerce: version: 2.5.4, author: WebToffee, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert Page Optimize: version: 0.5.5, author: Automattic, Updates werden von WordPress.com verwaltet PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce: version: 3.8.3, author: WP Overnight, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert PPOM for WooCommerce: version: 32.0.22, author: Themeisle, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert PW WooCommerce Copy Coupon: version: 1.32, author: Pimwick, LLC, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert String Locator: version: 2.6.5, author: InstaWP, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert TP Product Image Flipper for Woocommerce: version: 2.0.2, author: TP Plugins, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert WooCommerce: version: 9.0.0, author: Automattic, Updates werden von WordPress.com verwaltet WooCommerce.com Update Manager: version: 1.0.3, author: Automattic, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert WooCommerce Customer/Order/Coupon CSV Import Suite: version: 3.12.0, author: SkyVerge, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features FREE: version: 3.3.3, author: Soft79, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert WooCommerce PayPal Payments: version: 2.8.0, author: WooCommerce, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert WooCommerce PDF Product Vouchers: version: 3.12.3, author: SkyVerge, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert WooCommerce Sort By Stock: version: 2.2.0, author: Brandon Yanofsky, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert WooCommerce Zettle Integration: version: 7.9.2, author: BjornTech AB, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert Woo Composite Products: version: 9.0.5, author: Woo, Updates werden von WordPress.com verwaltet WooPayments: version: 7.7.0, author: Automattic, Updates werden von WordPress.com verwaltet WordPress.com Editing Toolkit: version: 4.26023, author: Automattic, Updates werden von WordPress.com verwaltet

wp-plugins-inactive (8)

Classic Editor: version: 1.6.3, author: WordPress Contributors, Updates werden von WordPress.com verwaltet Converter for Media: version: 5.12.5, author: matt plugins, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert Easy Username Updater: version: 1.0.5, author: Yogesh C. Pant, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert Flexible Shipping: version: 4.25.1, author: Octolize, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert Gutenberg: version: 18.5.0, author: Gutenberg Team, Updates werden von WordPress.com verwaltet WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, Delivery Notes and Shipping Labels: version: 4.5.3, author: WebToffee, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips and Credit Notes (Pro): version: 1.0.5, author: Webtoffee, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert WooCommerce Products Wizard: version: 11.2.0, author: mail@troll-winner.com, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert

code-snippets (1)

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SydeKrystian commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @Summerrider69

It seems that your GitHub issue is primarily a support request. While we value your input and feedback, GitHub is predominantly used for our development activities. For a prompt and detailed response, we kindly ask that you reach out directly to our support team.

When you contact our support team, please include a copy of your WooComnmerce system report. This will help us get to the bottom of your issue more quickly.

We'll be closing this GitHub issue for now. However, once you reach out to our support team, rest assured they'll be ready to assist you with your concerns. Thank you for your understanding!

Kind regards, Krystian