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Problem with Variations #1556

Closed gobnet14 closed 11 years ago

gobnet14 commented 12 years ago

I am using Woo Commerce and Woo Free Theme My Style. About a month ago I started this new website for Fitted Kitchen products. I am using a WAMP local server. Unfortunately (or Foolishly) I dumped the wamp server by mistake and have had to start from scratch again. Not to Worry, Good Experience says I.

My Problem My problem is with VARIATIONS. The major problem is that when I import the variations and select the variations in order that I require using the drop down box on each variation (I have 67 variations for each door product) that would be sizes. I have set the sizes in the attributes configuration in the order I require them to be from first to last, for example: smallest size being - 110 X 595 - and moving to the last size - 1060 X 495 Georgian Frame - altogether there are 67 sizes.

Lets say for instance that the numbered order of the variations in the admin section reads like this #0001 as the smallest size and #0067 being the largest or last size required. I set all the sizes in each individual drop down box for each variation from #0001 - #0067. Please be aware that I have no control over these numbers they appear with each variation. I only have control over the size in the drop down box.

So I have all my sizes set and they are in the order I require them to be in the admin panel and I hit the update button and - voila - everything gets mixed up in the variations. What I mean by that is that #0044 might be in the position where #0022 should be. Now this not only happens once but everytime the update button is hit. So the variations are never in the same place. But what is strange is that on the front page when you view page all the variations seem to be in the right order. This is very very frustrating - anybody know how to fix this.


I have also noticed that when I have saved the variations with prices and stock qty, shipping set to standard. Some of the prices, stock and other info are saved and some are not. The only thing I have found online by Mike Jolley http://wcdocs.woothemes.com/user-guide/troubleshooting/sorting-not-workingweird-behaviour-caused-by-register_globals-on-php-5-3/ at this url. But this does not seem to work on the local server either.


Previously when I created these pages I did not have any issues like this and this is in the space of 4 -5 weeks. Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

mikejolley commented 12 years ago

But what is strange is that on the front page when you view page all the variations seem to be in the right order.

Variations don't get displayed on the frontend, the attributes do. And attributes are sortable globally.

As for saving (and possible ordering) on top of the article you found, suhosin and modsecurity rules can also stop things saving. There was also a (unconfirmed report) of php 5.4 doing this too. Take a look.

gobnet14 commented 12 years ago

Mike I am relatively inexperienced with coding. Can you (if you have time) please explain why:

a) if the attributes are showing up in the right order (i.e. from smallest to largest) on the view page.

b) then why do the attributes/variations not stay in numerical order in admin page when set size by size (from smallest to largest number) using the drop down menu to select each size. I have even tried doing it by moving the sizes by dragging an dropping them instead of the drop down menu.

If you would like I can send you some screen shots to show you what I mean. You can email me if you like.

Is anybody else out there having the same problem as I am having. It makes no sense to me using woo commerce if you have to spend 2 days working out why the product variations will not stay in numerical order that they are put in!

I am not in a position to understand Suhosin and Modsecurity at this moment in time. But I will look into it.

I look forward to your reply.

gobnet14 commented 12 years ago

Oh by the way Mike I have even reloaded WOO COMMERCE to see if that would fix the problem.

Another question if I have a size with an asterix in would that cause a breaking problem - i.e. 140 X 895*

mikejolley commented 12 years ago

Attribute order is defined by going to products>attributes, clicking on your attribute and dragging/dropping terms.

Suhosin and Modsecurity are server related. Ask your host.

Also, please note this isn't a support forum.

gobnet14 commented 12 years ago

Hi Mike, I know this is not a support forum. But seen as we are discussing something relevant to Woo Commerce I understand where you configure your attributes and you can put them in order as in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and so on but when you import them into the variations if you have a size or a number that is for argument sake 1126, 1127, etc then these show up before the 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. And what is happening at the moment I believe is a glitch in the Woo Commerce where the variations even though set in place are not staying in position when you save using the update button. Any Suggestions? Or have you had any similar questions from other people developing with Woo Commerce.

mikejolley commented 11 years ago

Drag and drop ordering and saving works fine on my install so I still think its due to those points I suggested before. I have just confirmed this works.

coenjacobs commented 11 years ago

See this response from my hosting company. Hello, Thank you for your email. Your request was being blocked by our server's mod_security, I have disabled the rule as it was being incorrectly flagged as potentially dangerous. Everything should be working fine at this point. Unfortunately everything is still the same with my variations. I have even deleted the Woo Commerce Plugin and re-installed it. Same thing happens over and over again. I put the attributes in order in the variations tab that I require them to be in and when I update some are missing and others are duplicated. If you would like to check them out I can forward you a temporary Uname and Password so that you can take a look yourself? I am now working on the live server.

gobnet14 commented 11 years ago

I am referencing Mike Jolleys response 8 days ago when he said:

"Drag and drop ordering and saving works fine on my install so I still think its due to those points I suggested before. I have just confirmed this works."

Hi Mike, you stated the above 8 days ago. I am still trying to get it to work on my install. I am now working on a Live server. My Host stated that he has sorted the Mod_Security issue. (as I posted earlier today) I have re-installed another version of Wordpress, also another version of Woo Commerc and the theme MyStyle by Woo Themes and I have uploaded. I am still having the same issues in the VARIATIONS tabs. As I suggested I can give you a link and Username and Password if you want to see for yourself what is going on. The only other plugin I have installed is Easing Slider. So what might be the problem do you think! I have as I stated before 67 variations and I cannot go any further with the Website until I have sorted this Issue. I don't seem to be able to access the Woo Themes Support even though I have bought products before. I mean how professional a product is WOO at the end of the day! - I am no genius myself but If I spend the bones of 2.5 weeks trying to sort one little issue and cannot progress then how long before I get a website finished.

Graphicpoet commented 11 years ago

After poking around the back end of the woocommerce I found the solution. It turns out its pretty simple for those whom have had the same issue. Simply go to Products and in the drop-down or (sub-menu) choose attributes.

This will take you to a page that allows you to drag and drop all your sizes or colors as you wish them to appear. The key option you will see is " configure terms.

Thats it !

innovativedmm commented 11 years ago

Why isn't this working for me?

innovativedmm commented 11 years ago

I can drag and drop the order, but not changes on frontend.

Graphicpoet commented 11 years ago

Many that use WordPress look for the BIG Gotchas!! Most of the time @innovativedmm in the case of Woo and its features it usually means you have a plugin conflicting (Jquery) Usually. Not always but I would try disabling some plugins to start. hope this helps

coenjacobs commented 11 years ago

Most of the time @innovativedmm in the case of Woo and its features it usually means you have a plugin conflicting (Jquery) Usually.

This is not just the case with Woo(Commerce), this is a problem - or as I like to say, challenge - in the whole open source web ecosystem. People use all sorts of versions of jQuery and its plugins and yes, you are likely to run into issues there. Not just that, but also problems with conflicting Javascripts, which do not degrade gracefully.

For now and future queries, this is not a support channel. You can post this kind of questions in our public support forum or in case you are a WooThemes customer via our support portal.

thaibluesky commented 10 years ago

ADMIN TO CREATE/EDIT ATTRIBUTES All is fine and displayed correctly EDIT CREATE PRODUCT Meta box to select attributes when selecting values is sorted correctly by menu_order. Option Select values to select the default size/color to show as selected in frontend are sorted by slug. FRONTEND Additional Information Tab We display the available sizes: they are sorted by slug NOT BY menu_order. Where user can select the size/color etc. is sorted correctly by menu_order. So all in all consistency is missing when it comes to the attributes/variations this looks weird when users browse the site. And no there are no plugin conflicts -there and it's also not theme-related as all worked until the latest update and we use the scripts for two sites only the updated one shows the flaws and no templates of attributes are overwritten: The bug option select values to select the default size/color to show as selected in frontend are sorted by slug, is there since ever.

kneckergit commented 7 years ago

I second that: The sorting mechanism for product variations is not working and has never been. It is a pain in the a** to find the sorting for the backend in the first place (it shouldn't be invisible before mouse-over, think about touch input) and even if you find it, it only reorders items in the backend and does not translate that sorting to the frontend... which makes it pretty much pointless. For shop creators, especially in the fashion industry, it is absolutely imperative to be able to sort variations in the drop-downs, e.g. Size S - M - L and so on.

garymseven commented 6 years ago

If you are having trouble ordering change this setting as follows.
