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Entrepreneur Signup: Show WordPress logo when entering Design With AI from Entrepreneur signup flow. #47576

Closed yansern closed 1 week ago

yansern commented 2 weeks ago

Submission Review Guidelines:

Changes proposed in this Pull Request:

Show WordPress logo when entering Design With AI from Enterpreneur signup flow.

How to test the changes in this Pull Request:

Using the WooCommerce Testing Instructions Guide, include your detailed testing instructions:

  1. Sync to your WoA site on Entrepreneur plan.
  2. Go to Design With AI your_site_here.wpcomstaging.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=%2Fcustomize-store%2Fdesign-with-ai&ref=entrepreneur-signup.
  3. You should see a black & white WordPress logo on Design With AI flow.
  4. You should see the Blue logo now replaced with black & white WordPress logo on Site Assembler flow.
  5. Ignore the mispositioning of Site Title, that is addressed in https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/47581.

Changelog entry

#### Significance - [x] Patch - [ ] Minor - [ ] Major #### Type - [ ] Fix - Fixes an existing bug - [ ] Add - Adds functionality - [x] Update - Update existing functionality - [ ] Dev - Development related task - [ ] Tweak - A minor adjustment to the codebase - [ ] Performance - Address performance issues - [ ] Enhancement - Improvement to existing functionality #### Message #### Comment
2024-05-17_19-59-10 2024-05-17_19-59-18 2024-05-17_19-58-08 2024-05-17_21-13-34 2024-05-17_21-18-19
github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Test using WordPress Playground

The changes in this pull request can be previewed and tested using a WordPress Playground instance. WordPress Playground is an experimental project that creates a full WordPress instance entirely within the browser.

Test this pull request with WordPress Playground.

Note that this URL is valid for 30 days from when this comment was last updated. You can update it by closing/reopening the PR or pushing a new commit.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Hi @gigitux,

Apart from reviewing the code changes, please make sure to review the testing instructions as well.

You can follow this guide to find out what good testing instructions should look like: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/wiki/Writing-high-quality-testing-instructions

yansern commented 1 week ago

I've retested DesignWithAI & SiteAssembler after rebase. All good.