woodemi / quick_blue

A cross-platform (Android/iOS/macOS/Windows/Linux) BluetoothLE plugin for Flutter
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Useful documents collection #78

Open Sunbreak opened 2 years ago

Sunbreak commented 2 years ago

Bluetooth 4.0 Instructions for Windows Users: https://www.mblock.cc/doc/en/faq/bluetooth.html

Sunbreak commented 2 years ago

win-bluetooth: https://github.com/nholthaus/win-bluetooth

Sunbreak commented 2 years ago

BLUETOOTH FRAMEWORK AND BLUETOOTH LE GATT PROFILE: https://www.btframework.com/gatt.htm

Current version of the Bluetooth Framework supports GATT Client (Central) role with BlueSoleil and Microsoft Bluetooth drivers. BlueSoleil Bluetooth drivers allows to use Bluetooth LE GATT features on any Windows platform starting from Windows XP. Microsoft Bluetooth drivers supports BLE GATT features starting from Windows 8.

In-app Bluetooth LE discovering available with BlueSoleil Bluetooth drivers and with BLED112 Bluetooth dongle on any Windows platform. With Microsoft Bluetooth drivers:

  • On Windows 8 you must discovr and pair with Bluetooth LE device through Windows UI. After device paired you can discover it using in-app discovering methods.
  • On Windows 10 1607 and below you also have to pair with Bluetooth LE device through Windows UI. After device paired you can discover it using in-app discovering methods.
  • On Windows 10 1703 and above you do not need to pair with your device manually. You can discover nearby Bluetooth LE device using in-app discovering.
Sunbreak commented 2 years ago

Using Bluetooth Low Energy: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Using_Bluetooth_Low_Energy

Note: WinRT Bluetooth API provides support for BLE advertising data through the manufacturer-specific data field, but it does not fully implement GATT Server functionalities.

Attention: Applications running on Windows platform lower than Windows 10 do not support Bluetooth LE.

Note: Applications running on Windows platform lower than Windows 10 need to pair the devices before discovering BluetoothLE servers. For more information, see Windows Bluetooth FAQ. The WinRT API for Windows 10+ platforms allows to scan for devices without the need to pair them.

Note: For proper beacon detection, Android users must make sure to set up Location Services first.

Sunbreak commented 2 years ago


Windows: Requires Windows 8.1 or later. To discover devices the user hasn't yet manually paired, requires Windows 10. A third-party Windows 10 Polyfill (Chrome Extension + Native Executable) has been created while Windows support is not implemented yet.