woodruffw / ff2mpv

A Firefox/Chrome add-on for playing URLs in mpv.
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Problem with keyboard shortcut #96

Open meelten opened 1 year ago

meelten commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

When I push CTRL+SHIFT+V on website with video nothing happens despite the ff2mpv toolbar button works fine. By sheer accident I discovered that when switching to Firefox's "responsive design mode" (CTRL+SHIFT+M) and then using shortcut makes it works. It also works when I close "responsive design mode" as long as I won't click mouse anywhere on the site or even scroll it. That by my layman understanding makes me think that shortcut works only when website is "out of focus", otherwise something interferes with shortcut but I have no clue how debug it further.

Reproduction steps

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to whatever URL with video working in ff2mpv in Firefox.
  2. Push CTRL+SHIFT+V
  3. If nothing happens push CTRL+SHIFT+M and then again CTRL+SHIFT+V without using mouse anywhere in-between.

Platform information

woodruffw commented 1 year ago

Hmm, that's interesting -- I don't ever use the shortcut, but I can confirm this behavior: if I go to a YouTube link and press C-s-V, nothing happens unless I first enter responsive design mode first.

You're right that it's probably being masked somewhere.

My repro case:

woodruffw commented 1 year ago

(Also, thank you for reporting, and for filling our the reproduction and platform information!)

woodruffw commented 1 year ago

Tried with a SoundCloud URL as well, so this doesn't seem to be isolated to a single website.

meelten commented 1 year ago

Yeah it happens on every website and since it's not just me I guess it must be Firefox that somehow blocks this shortcut. Actually I never used it previously either so can't tell when it stopped working to see what changed then.

Probably using different combination would fix this?