woodser / monero-ts

TypeScript library for using Monero
MIT License
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Can't use openWalletFull together with a ConnectionManager #170

Closed luke-z closed 5 months ago

luke-z commented 5 months ago


I'm currently building an app where payment with Monero will be accepted. For this I'm using the monero-ts package to validate and track transactions.

When playing around I noticed, that opening a previously created wallet I can't use a connectionManager.

Here's how I'm creating and opening the wallets:

Create if wallet does not exist:

wallet = await monero.createWalletFull({
    path: WALLET_PATH,
    networkType: monero.MoneroNetworkType.STAGENET,

Open if it exists:

 wallet = await monero.openWalletFull({
      path: WALLET_PATH,
      networkType: monero.MoneroNetworkType.STAGENET,

The error I receive:

* Exception when interacting with a Monero wallet or daemon.
3 |  */
4 | class MoneroError extends Error {
5 | 
6 | 
7 | 
error: Wallet is not connected to daemon
 code: "undefined"

      at new MoneroError (/home/luke/playground/test-monero/node_modules/monero-ts/dist/src/main/ts/common/MoneroError.js:7:12)
      at deserializeError (/home/luke/playground/test-monero/node_modules/monero-ts/dist/src/main/ts/common/LibraryUtils.js:262:73)
      at /home/luke/playground/test-monero/node_modules/monero-ts/dist/src/main/ts/common/LibraryUtils.js:251:26
      at processTicksAndRejections (:61:39)
      at new MoneroError (/home/luke/playground/test-monero/node_modules/monero-ts/dist/src/main/ts/common/MoneroError.js:24:69)
      at /home/luke/playground/test-monero/node_modules/monero-ts/dist/src/main/ts/wallet/MoneroWalletFull.js:563:69
      at processTicksAndRejections (:61:39)

The way I'm currently solving it is:

 const connection = connectionManager.getConnection();

 const wallet = await monero.openWalletFull({
    path: WALLET_PATH,
    networkType: monero.MoneroNetworkType.STAGENET,
    server: connection,

    new (class extends monero.MoneroConnectionManagerListener {
      async onConnectionChanged(connection: monero.MoneroRpcConnection) {
        if (!wallet) return;
        await wallet.setDaemonConnection(connection);

What I'm using:

Bun: 1.0.22 Node: 20.11.0 monero-ts: 0.9.5

I don't know if that is a bug or not since the connectionManager exists on the openWalletFull config object.

Best regards Lukas

woodser commented 5 months ago

Thanks for pointing this out. The implementation is missing for opening a wallet, whereas it's supported when creating a wallet.

I'll fix this in the next release, but in the meantime, you can call await wallet.setConnectionManager(manager) after opening the wallet to avoid manually listening for connection changes.

luke-z commented 5 months ago

Awesome, thank you for the workaround!

woodser commented 5 months ago

This is now fixed in the last release. Thanks for reporting it. :)

luke-z commented 5 months ago

Thank you for the quick fix :)