woodser / monero-ts

TypeScript library for using Monero
MIT License
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MoneroAccount dissapearing? #196

Closed oyugiben closed 3 months ago

oyugiben commented 3 months ago

I am not sure how to explain this. After some time passes, accounts with no activity disappear. It happens randomly right now so far. Yes, I am sure the account was created successfully and for some time worked with requests to check the account balance before the error started popping out. I even got the account address. Here is the error i get. :

'''Error: Account with index 1 does not exist at MoneroWalletRpc.getAccount'''

woodser commented 3 months ago

Hm, that could happen if you wallet's cache was deleted or corrupted.

You could ask in #monero-dev too, since it's using monero-wallet-rpc.

oyugiben commented 3 months ago

What could cause that to happen to the wallet's cache? Thanks a bunch for reaching out btw. Also, I am currently on stagenet if that could be the issue.

woodser commented 3 months ago

If it was accidentally deleted or somehow otherwise corrupted. Otherwise the accounts should never disappear. At least I've never seen that behavior.