Dependabot tried to authenticate with your details, but authentication failed. This could be because the details are no longer valid or because they don't grant permission to access all of the dependencies required.
Please note that for JFrog repositories Dependabot needs to have deploy permission (as JFrog requires this for Dependabot to access uncached artifacts).
You can provide authentication details in your Dependabot dashboard by clicking into the account menu (in the top right) and selecting 'Config variables'.
Dependabot couldn't authenticate with
Dependabot tried to authenticate with your details, but authentication failed. This could be because the details are no longer valid or because they don't grant permission to access all of the dependencies required.
Please note that for JFrog repositories Dependabot needs to have
permission (as JFrog requires this for Dependabot to access uncached artifacts).You can provide authentication details in your Dependabot dashboard by clicking into the account menu (in the top right) and selecting 'Config variables'.
View the update logs.