wooga / kafkaesque

A JRuby-based event stream processing framework for Kafka.
MIT License
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Correct Bookings Calculations in Kafkaesque #3

Closed gorenje closed 12 years ago

gorenje commented 12 years ago

In our Kafkaesque Classes (used for our Kafka consumers) the bookings calculation does not reflect the recent change Facebook did regarding VAT. This change has already been done in the reporting database (country mapping) and needs to be done in Kafkaesque.

Stefan Mees can show you around the Kafkaesque code, so you see how that works.

gorenje commented 12 years ago

more details at pmtools#12

gorenje commented 12 years ago

generated using

SELECT concat(':', lower(country_code), ' => ', sales_tax, ',') 
FROM aggregated_data.country_mapping 
where sales_tax > 0;

result is:

 :at => 0.149,                                            
 :be => 0.149,                                            
 :bg => 0.149,                                            
 :cy => 0.149,                                            
 :cz => 0.149,                                            
 :de => 0.149,                                            
 :dk => 0.149,                                            
 :ee => 0.149,                                            
 :es => 0.149,                                            
 :fi => 0.149,                                            
 :fr => 0.149,                                            
 :gb => 0.149,                                            
 :gr => 0.149,                                            
 :hu => 0.149,                                            
 :ie => 0.149,                                            
 :it => 0.149,                                            
 :lt => 0.149,                                            
 :lu => 0.149,                                            
 :lv => 0.149,                                            
 :mt => 0.149,                                            
 :nl => 0.149,                                            
 :pl => 0.149,                                            
 :pt => 0.149,                                            
 :ro => 0.149,                                            
 :se => 0.149,                                            
 :si => 0.149,                                            
 :sk => 0.149,                                            
gorenje commented 12 years ago

first isntall the gem (having installed the correct ssh keys - install that public key for your account @ github and give root the private key):

git clone git@github.com:wooga/kafkaesque.git
cd kaf<TAB>
jruby -Sgem18 build kafkaesque.gemspec
jruby -Sgem18 install kafkaesque-0.0.10.gem

to restart the consumers on consumer1 (consumer2 & consumer3 there is nothing to restart)

