wookay / anti-vaxxers

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SC Senate Hearing - Dr. Janci Lindsay - Sep 16, 2023 #450

Open wookay opened 2 months ago

wookay commented 2 months ago

https://rumble.com/v42ad2l-245707437.html 사람들이 더 이상 이러한 백신을 맞아선 안됩니다 - 젠시 린제이 박사

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjQQ7kkj3Bs SC Senate Hearing - Dr. Janci Lindsay | SC 4 FREEDOM Dr. Janci Lindsay testifies before South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on DHEC.

0:00 FDA I just sent them emails and said hey 0:03 you want to you should look in this okay 0:05 okay so much next is Dr Jancy Lindsay I 0:10 hope you can 0:14 yes 0:17 many scientists 0:24 would do it I spoke at the U.S Senate in 0:26 December of 200 uh 0:29 22 about the risk of this being passed 0:33 to our children because of it being 0:35 reverse transcribed simply from the RNA 0:38 before we knew that there was DNA in the 0:42 shots as soon as I found out there was 0:44 DNA in the shots I went all over every 0:47 social media 0:49 platform I could get to and started 0:51 ringing the alarm Bell 0:53 [Music] 0:57 exactly um don't you don't have to play 1:00 that at this point I have little time so 1:01 I'm going to follow up to what he said 1:03 well just show the ones the ones 1:07 so I disagree with Dr buckholson that I 1:10 think that this is the most dangerous 1:11 platform that has ever been released on 1:14 mankind 1:16 um that is very easy to see in the 1:18 ferris database where you have more 1:20 deaths in just the couple months after 1:24 the rollout than you have in the past 30 1:25 years for all the other vaccines 1:27 combined 1:29 um you would have to shrink that and go 1:31 up 1:33 so there we go 1:35 [Music] 1:40 this is 1:41 what happened sorry and this is what 1:44 happened during covid 1:47 to deaths from vaccines do you see we're 1:51 at over 35 000 deaths typically you 1:53 would get no more than 200 deaths in a 1:57 year for all 30 vaccine or for all of 2:00 the vaccines combined 2:02 this is the past 30 years of deaths from 2:05 vaccines reported into the Veris 2:07 database you've already heard earlier 2:08 that this represents only one to 13 2:11 percent of the cases that are normally 2:14 reported 2:15 this is a safety signal 2:18 this is a safety signal this is the 2:20 platform itself okay in the clinical 2:23 trials we saw deaths we definitely had 2:26 deaths 2:27 that was used in process one without the 2:30 contamination okay what may not have 2:33 been clear is that the the shots tested 2:36 on the people in the clinical trials 2:38 were vastly different than the shots 2:40 tested or given to people released on 2:43 the population 2:45 um I'm short on time so I'm trying to 2:46 fit this in basically people were given 2:49 in the clinical trial a clean shot 2:51 people everybody else was given these 2:54 contaminated shots every single file 2:56 that's been tested by every scientist 2:58 around the world is contaminated with 3:01 these plasmids 3:02 and there can just some are contaminated 3:04 when when Kevin mckernan first tested 3:07 the vials he found that one of the vials 3:11 contained up to about 30 percent uh of 3:15 the nucleic acid material was in fact 3:17 DNA so this is not some residual 3:19 contamination that's carrying over this 3:21 is significant contamination why does 3:23 that matter gene therapy was never 3:26 brought to Market even though it's been 3:27 over 40 years in development because in 3:30 the past it caused latent cancers that 3:33 developed two to four years after these 3:35 were given because it caused lethal 3:38 autoimmune reactions even when you were 3:41 producing human proteins not viral 3:44 proteins not bacterial proteins that you 3:47 are displaying on the surface of your 3:48 cells 3:49 think about the logic of this in 3:52 traditional Gene Therapies in these are 3:54 Gene therapies they would be classified 3:56 as Gene Therapies in traditional Gene 3:58 Therapies you send in a genetic message 4:01 to make a missing protein that protein 4:05 is identical to the protein that should 4:08 have been in your body but you're 4:10 missing 4:11 this time we're sending in a sequence 4:13 and asking it to make a piece of a viral 4:17 protein and we're displaying it on our 4:19 cells and then our body is attacking it 4:23 and killing those cells 4:25 it doesn't stay in your arm they said it 4:27 would stay in your arm it goes to every 4:29 single cell in your body every tissue in 4:31 your body it goes to your brain it goes 4:33 to your bone marrow 4:35 where then your body is able to attack 4:38 these cells 4:40 it is not a healthy platform for this 4:43 there's a difference between using this 4:45 technology for cancer or for fixing 4:48 inborn errors and Metabolism as compared 4:51 to using it in a vaccine there you 4:54 understand the risk here the risks were 4:57 not told to people 4:59 with this DNA being present what Philip 5:02 did not touch on is that there are 5:03 sequences Within These plasmids I 5:05 personally feel that this is an 5:08 intentional 5:10 um I believe that there is nefarious 5:12 intent I'm going to tell you why and 5:13 it's something that he didn't touch on 5:15 uh their sv40 sequences 5:20 excuse me there are there are sv40 5:23 sequences within the plasmids that were 5:25 not disclosed to The Regulators 5:27 the sv40 sequences if you'll recall the 5:30 sv40 virus was a contaminant of the 5:34 polio vaccines 5:36 it is thought that that contamination of 5:38 the virus which is on oncogenic caused 5:41 many of the cancers for the next several 5:43 decades from the people in the people 5:45 that receive these vaccines now the 5:48 whole the whole sv40 virus is not in the 5:52 shots but what is in the shots is a 5:54 special sequence it's called a nuclear 5:56 localization sequence which is in the 5:59 shots to take the plasma DNA directly to 6:03 the nucleus of human cells it is not 6:06 needed to grow these in bacteria you 6:09 would not have to use this to grow it in 6:12 bacteria for the purpose that they said 6:14 it was for to make lots of copies 6:18 this sequence takes the DNA to the 6:21 nucleus of human cells 6:24 where it can then be integrated or where 6:27 as Philip said it is most likely to be 6:29 integrated so all this about there's no 6:32 DNA in the shots they will not go to the 6:35 nucleus they will not integrate with 6:37 your DNA is not true and they knew it 6:39 from the beginning because they knew the 6:41 plasmids were there 6:43 that's a problem there's also an sv40 6:46 promoter only designed to be expressed 6:49 in human cells not bacteria cells 6:53 now Philip has checked in something he 6:55 didn't say which is good news for people 6:58 Dr Buchholz I keep saying Philip which 7:01 is good news for people 7:03 is that most of the sequences were 7:04 broken had they been intact and if there 7:07 are any that are intact and this is 7:09 something he should have said we have to 7:10 check 7:11 they can infect the E coli in your gut 7:14 that's what they're designed to do to 7:16 infect the Eco to to infect E coli which 7:18 means you can be a Perpetual Spike 7:20 Factory because they're self-replicating 7:22 and they would self-replicate in the 7:25 bacteria of your gut and then make Spike 7:28 over and over and over again 7:31 that's a problem they also carry an 7:33 antibiotic resistant Gene cassette to 7:36 canomyosin and neomyosin canamycin is 7:39 the main antibiotic used to treat 7:40 tuberculosis 7:42 neomycin is another antibiotic that's 7:44 widely used 7:46 people that receive these if it 7:48 transfects the E coli in your gut it can 7:51 make the your gut and other bacteria not 7:55 just that it can make them resistant to 7:58 those antibiotics 8:00 that is a huge huge risk 8:04 um and it's something that's known for 8:05 plasmids it's something that they've 8:07 they're careful to make sure that you 8:09 don't have these antibiotic resistance 8:11 genes if they're making something that 8:14 should go into gene therapy and now it's 8:16 here now it's present 8:19 I've worked for several months to try to 8:21 get these shots recalled completely 8:23 recalled they're dangerous excuse me I 8:26 need to get a drink of water but 8:28 um they're dangerous we're injecting 8:30 these in our kids we don't inject 8:32 contaminated medical products in our 8:34 kids something Dr buckholtz didn't touch 8:37 on as well is if there's that much 8:39 plasmid in the shots there's a very good 8:41 chance that there's bacterial endotoxin 8:43 in the shots which means bacterial 8:45 proteins which can cause anaphylaxis and 8:48 even death and that may be what caused 8:51 some of the the rapid deaths that 8:53 occurred right after people got these 8:55 shots 8:56 um there's so much more to touch on 8:58 we've seen massive cases of miscarriage 9:01 and stillbirth normally during years we 9:03 wouldn't see more than 25 cases of 9:07 miscarriage 9:09 or stillbirth for all the vaccines 9:11 combined in 2021 we saw 9:15 3428 cases of stillbirth and miscarriage 9:18 reported into the bear system remember 9:20 no more than than 25 typically in a year 9:23 is normal for all the vaccines combined 9:27 um 9:28 3428 and 221 in 222 we saw 1525 9:33 stillbirth and miscarriage 9:34 and in halfway through that year the FDA 9:38 or the CDC said they would stop 9:40 reporting on uh they would stop making 9:45 all their information public because 9:46 they did not want to encourage 9:49 vaccine hesitancy or misinformation or 9:53 misinterpret misinterpretation of the 9:56 data so all of a sudden we saw what was 9:59 what was going like this go like this in 10:01 February that's artificial we can't even 10:04 trust the data coming out of the the CDC 10:07 anymore the FDA the FDA knows about this 10:11 contamination they're not doing anything 10:14 um 10:16 I'm sorry this is so rushed I just 10:18 wanted to address what Dr buckholtz was 10:20 not able to he and I have the same 10:22 degrees 10:24 um I have a degree in Biochemistry and 10:26 molecular biology and I'm a toxicologist 10:29 and an expert witness as a profession 10:32 nationally and internationally this is 10:35 outrageous 10:36 I've never seen anything like this in my 10:38 entire career we have got to pull these 10:42 shots and restrict them from our 10:44 children we cannot inject these into 10:46 babies and children 10:48 these are contaminated dangerous lethal 10:52 products I don't agree with Dr buckholtz 10:55 but 10:57 I believe that he's just seeing a lot of 11:00 this data 11:03 um I feel like he is where we were three 11:05 years ago 11:08 so 11:11 that's basically if I don't leave now I 11:14 won't catch my plane I may not catch it 11:17 anyway 11:18 so 11:20 you had said earlier nefarious 11:23 you felt like this was more nefarious 11:25 than Dr Burkholder in what sense are you 11:28 saying that 11:29 the sv40 sequences they should not be 11:31 there 11:32 they don't need to be there to grow this 11:34 into back to grow this in bacteria I 11:36 don't think it's an accident they could 11:38 have chosen another plasma that did not 11:40 have the sv40 sequences if these 11:43 sequences sit above an oncogene and and 11:45 they're promiscuous that means they are 11:48 likely to to integrate in places more 11:51 likely than other genetic inserts thank 11:54 you so much 11:56 um 11:59 then they can cause cancer insertional 12:01 mutagenesis anyway causes cancer 12:04 uh and that's the risk that's why gene 12:06 therapies were not brought to market for 12:08 so many years because there was a risk 12:11 of causing cancer from the social media 12:13 Genesis we never needed these 12:15 vaccines we had treatments that worked 12:19 uh one of our doctors here is going to 12:21 tell you about that hydroxychloroquine 12:23 and Ivermectin I can tell you as a 12:25 toxicologist they are not toxic there 12:28 there are some of the safest drugs you 12:30 can use 12:32 I there's no reason once the FDA found 12:36 out about this contamination 12:38 okay and we looked to see endotoxin 12:40 levels 12:41 but they've got them all redacted why 12:44 would you redact them if you were trying 12:46 to be transparent why would you hold the 12:48 data for 75 years all of the clinical 12:51 data 12:52 for 75 years from these if you were 12:55 trying to be transparent tell me 12:58 why 12:59 there is something very unusual going on 13:02 here that is being done differently than 13:04 it's ever been done before we don't give 13:07 experimental products to pregnant women 13:10 we don't give experimental products to 13:12 babies that have a death profile like 13:16 this 13:17 it's not done it's never been done 13:20 before 13:21 please protect your citizens 13:24 please I am begging you to protect your 13:28 citizens we've got to get one state to 13:31 stand up and do the right thing 13:34 do whatever you can so that other states 13:36 will follow 13:41 thank you Dr Lindsay any questions 13:45 probably 13:47 again sorry I was a little urgent in 13:49 that um no you rescheduled my Uber twice 13:52 so it's just very 13:55 difficult to keep this everything on 13:58 schedule with him but thank you for 14:00 staying so much thank you for staying 14:02 and thank you for presenting and we 14:04 appreciate it so much 14:08 we will be reaching out I promise 14:11 Gene who's next uh 14:14 chairman um we 14:16 passed over to meet to meet time 14:18 obligations we passed over uh Mr 14:21 recknagel so it's probably time to call 14:23 him up now Andrew ricknoggle 14:26 yeah now beg your pardon sir English (auto-generated)