woolfg / dokuwiki-plugin-gitbacked

Plugin for DokuWiki to store/sync files and media with a git repo
GNU General Public License v2.0
74 stars 26 forks source link

Support optionally a) separated repos for pages and media and b) additional repos for core php runtime and for conf #55

Open mhoffrog opened 3 years ago

mhoffrog commented 3 years ago

Feature request:

I would like to configure:

  1. separate repos for pages and for media
  2. additional repo for the php core runtime path
  3. additional repo for the conf path

Motivation for:

  1. It is a great benefit of DW that it manages the pages in plain text format. So I would like to avoid to pollute the pages repo with binary artifacts => it would be good to maintain a separate git repo for the media files.
  2. The core runtime for a DW instance typically requires some lifecycle management in terms of plugin installations, plugin upgrades, core upgrades etc.. So I would like to keep track of those changes by gitbacked as well.
  3. As the DW configuration is a critical part of the availability of a DW instance, I would like to let gitbacked keep track of any configuration change as well.


As I did implement this kind of extension I will create an appropriate pull request soon:


woolfg commented 3 years ago

thanks @mhoffrog for the PR, looks good. So it should be backward compatible, right? If people update and do not have values for the options, everything should still work?

mhoffrog commented 3 years ago

Yes @woolfg, this is correct. None of the "Optional:" marked configuration properties must be set. If those are left empty, then anything works as before. So it is backward compatible with a probable existing configuration from an installed former version of this plugin.

woolfg commented 2 years ago

Hey @mhoffrog, as my time is very limited and I am currently not actively using DokuWiki and the plugin, would you be interested in becoming a maintainer and helping with the plugin? Especially testing of pull requests (mostly yours ;) ) is very time consuming when you don't use the the wiki yourself. Feel free to contact me (see options on gassler.dev ) - cheers, Wolfgang