wooorm / franc

Natural language detection
MIT License
4.07k stars 175 forks source link

Issue in detecting English #38

Closed prasadKodeInCloud closed 7 years ago

prasadKodeInCloud commented 7 years ago

Hi, I found that language detection for basic English sentences is poor. ex: var lan = franc.all( "I am not good at detecting languages." )

result: [ [ "dan", 1 ], [ "pam", 0.9966273187183811 ], [ "cat", 0.9858347386172007 ], [ "tpi", 0.9021922428330522 ], [ "nob", 0.8954468802698146 ], [ "tgl", 0.8671163575042158 ], [ "swe", 0.8526138279932547 ], [ "nno", 0.8094435075885329 ], [ "eng", 0.8084317032040472 ], [ "ind", 0.7925801011804384 ], [ "afr", 0.7895446880269814 ], [ "bcl", 0.7736930860033727 ], [ "jav", 0.7602023608768971 ], [ "ace", 0.742327150084317 ], [ "hil", 0.736593591905565 ], [ "ceb", 0.736256323777403 ], [ "lav", 0.7251264755480606 ], [ "hms", 0.7234401349072512 ], [ "tzm", 0.7234401349072512 ], [ "bug", 0.6934232715008432 ], [ "sco", 0.6664418212478921 ], [ "fra", 0.6657672849915683 ], [ "ban", 0.6620573355817876 ], [ "min", 0.6590219224283305 ], [ "deu", 0.6586846543001686 ], [ "ssw", 0.6344013490725127 ], [ "nld", 0.6259696458684654 ], [ "sun", 0.6236087689713322 ], [ "mos", 0.6145025295109612 ], [ "aka", 0.6040472175379427 ], [ "wol", 0.5854974704890388 ], [ "ilo", 0.5517706576728499 ], [ "war", 0.5450252951096122 ], [ "bem", 0.5386172006745362 ], [ "glg", 0.5365935919055649 ], [ "tiv", 0.5342327150084317 ], [ "src", 0.5338954468802698 ], [ "mad", 0.5258010118043845 ], [ "ckb", 0.5204047217537943 ], [ "nso", 0.5166947723440135 ], [ "run", 0.512310286677909 ], [ "uzn", 0.5119730185497471 ], [ "toi", 0.5089376053962901 ], [ "bci", 0.500168634064081 ], [ "nds", 0.49409780775716694 ], [ "tsn", 0.478920741989882 ], [ "als", 0.47858347386172007 ], [ "por", 0.47386172006745364 ], [ "tso", 0.47082630691399663 ], [ "spa", 0.4674536256323777 ], [ "sot", 0.466441821247892 ], [ "bam", 0.45834738617200677 ], [ "nya", 0.457672849915683 ], [ "lit", 0.45059021922428333 ], [ "rmn", 0.4499156829679595 ], [ "ndo", 0.44957841483979766 ], [ "tuk", 0.4458684654300169 ], [ "nyn", 0.4441821247892074 ], [ "snk", 0.44215851602023604 ], [ "kin", 0.4411467116357505 ], [ "uig", 0.4404721753794266 ], [ "ron", 0.4300168634064081 ], [ "zul", 0.4269814502529511 ], [ "emk", 0.42495784148397975 ], [ "lun", 0.42495784148397975 ], [ "nhn", 0.4215851602023609 ], [ "rmy", 0.41787521079258005 ], [ "hat", 0.41483979763912315 ], [ "ita", 0.41483979763912315 ], [ "ewe", 0.41180438448566614 ], [ "xho", 0.4101180438448566 ], [ "yao", 0.40775716694772346 ], [ "sna", 0.40067453625632377 ], [ "umb", 0.39932546374367617 ], [ "knc", 0.3942664418212479 ], [ "cjk", 0.3942664418212479 ], [ "kng", 0.39291736930860033 ], [ "hun", 0.3709949409780776 ], [ "plt", 0.37032040472175376 ], [ "kde", 0.36998313659359194 ], [ "som", 0.3595278246205733 ], [ "suk", 0.3591905564924115 ], [ "quy", 0.35750421585160197 ], [ "tur", 0.3534569983136594 ], [ "snn", 0.35143338954468806 ], [ "swh", 0.35109612141652613 ], [ "epo", 0.3504215851602024 ], [ "lug", 0.34974704890387853 ], [ "quz", 0.3490725126475548 ], [ "gaa", 0.34839797639123105 ], [ "men", 0.3463743676222597 ], [ "kmb", 0.34569983136593596 ], [ "ces", 0.3365935919055649 ], [ "dip", 0.33524451939291733 ], [ "est", 0.3349072512647555 ], [ "ayr", 0.33423271500843166 ], [ "hau", 0.3247892074198988 ], [ "dyu", 0.3163575042158516 ], [ "lin", 0.31365935919055654 ], [ "bin", 0.30826306913996626 ], [ "gax", 0.3032040472175379 ], [ "sag", 0.2930860033726813 ], [ "srp", 0.29072512647554805 ], [ "lua", 0.2897133220910624 ], [ "vmw", 0.28364249578414835 ], [ "vie", 0.2789207419898819 ], [ "ibb", 0.23440134907251264 ], [ "azj", 0.2249578414839798 ], [ "pol", 0.2236087689713322 ], [ "bos", 0.2165261382799325 ], [ "slk", 0.20674536256323772 ], [ "hrv", 0.2020236087689713 ], [ "qug", 0.19999999999999996 ], [ "tem", 0.19999999999999996 ], [ "ada", 0.18549747048903875 ], [ "slv", 0.18111298482293425 ], [ "fin", 0.1615514333895447 ], [ "kbp", 0.15210792580101185 ], [ "ibo", 0.13929173693086006 ], [ "yor", 0.127150084317032 ], [ "fon", 0.1183811129848229 ] ]

prasadKodeInCloud commented 7 years ago

Another ex: var lan = franc.all( "School is a bad place for children" ) . Result sco: 1

wooorm commented 7 years ago

Duplicate of GH-27, GH-23, GH-16, and GH-8.

prasadKodeInCloud commented 7 years ago

ok I am using white list n black list options now. But still better to improve the logic of language detection. There is no open issue issue in the repo regarding this and its misleading.


wooorm commented 7 years ago


I spent ages on this, and you get it for free. I maintain this project. I went out of my way to get it to be MIT licensed. You can basically do anything you want with the code.

Create a PR for the docs / the algorithm if you want to contribute.

prasadKodeInCloud commented 7 years ago

No offence. If you maintain an open source library which has issues, you should not just close the issues. I really appreciate your work. Even this does not work when using only two languages. So "This is a not a trade-off: accuracy v.s. amount of supported languages" .I cannot accept any duplicate issues you mentioned here to close this issue. var matches = franc.all( 'I am not good at detecting languages.What is the best solution for this?' , { 'whitelist' : ['dan','en'] });