wooorm / franc

Natural language detection
MIT License
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franc.all returning [ 'und', 1 ] for a language contained in the main franc package #82

Closed jamezening closed 4 years ago

jamezening commented 4 years ago

The main franc package is documented to contain 187 languages, including Korean.

However when using the following code:

franc.all(${someString}, {only: ['kor']})

the result in the console reads

[ 'und', 1 ]

while eng shows a reasonable / expected result.

franc.all(${someString}, {only: ['eng']})

[ [ 'eng', 1 ] ]

Is Korean contained in a different franc package other than the main package?

Thank you.

wooorm commented 4 years ago

Could you provide the actual code you use to get these results? So I can try and reproduce this?

wooorm commented 4 years ago

@yoo-gyoon Ping!