wooorm / markdown-rs

CommonMark compliant markdown parser in Rust with ASTs and extensions
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MDAST: serde Serialization/Deserialization not working #72

Open nicoburniske opened 1 year ago

nicoburniske commented 1 year ago

The serialization of the mdast fails to deserialize because of a duplicate field type

fn test_serde() {
    let markdown = "This is a **test**";
    let tree =
    markdown::to_mdast(&markdown, &markdown::ParseOptions::default()).unwrap();
    let json = serde_json::to_string(&tree).unwrap();
    let tree2: Node = serde_json::from_str(&json).unwrap();
    assert!(tree == tree2);

I get the following error from serde

Error("duplicate field `type`", line: 1, column: 21)

This is the generated json. It has duplicate type fields everywhere.

         "value":"This is a **test**",

Looking at the AST enum and related structs they all have serde(tag, rename) macro configs, which seem to be conflicting.

#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "serde",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "type")
pub enum Node {
    // Document:
    /// Root.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "serde",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "root")
pub struct Root {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
wooorm commented 1 year ago

Definitely possible! PR welcome! :)

wflixu commented 4 months ago

I have the same problem, I hope the fixing PR can join in as soon as possible!